tel.: +7 (3952) 43-67-57
Irkutsk city, 2-nd Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 9
Ðóññêèé / English
Ñòóïåíè Âàøå ó÷àñòèå Ñîöèàëüíîå áþðî Øêîëà ïàöèåíòà
«Hot line on HIV issues »
«Hot line on rehabilitation issues »
F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

News archive

10.06.2015 Overview of the RRC Resource Center on HIV and Tuberculosis activities

Dear site visitors and the beneficiaries of the RRC Resource Center!

We would like to bring to your kind attention an overview of the RRC Resource Center on HIV and Tuberculosis activities
from January to March, 2015
prepared by the RRC RC Supervisory Board member Akulova Marina Vitalievna.

In the course of revising the reporting instruments on the project titled “Enhancing and Strengthening the Activities of the RRC Resource Center for HIV and Tuberculosis» implemented within the framework of the Russian Red Cross program “Regional Health Initiative” for the period covering January-March, 2015, a number of educational materials, reports, recommendations, publications and awareness raising materials have been carefully studied.

On the basis of the reporting instruments furnished one could state that over the period under review a lot has been done in the field of educational activities to train both personnel and volunteers of the Russian Red Cross and other National Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies in HIV prevention and providing care to HIV-positive people. Educational modules, recommendations and guidelines elaborated and presented by the RRC branches have been worked out on the basis of vast practical experience and specialists’ needs and show profound knowledge and understanding of situation in the sphere of prevention and support to those affected by HIV and Tuberculosis. One should also stress that the awareness raising materials on HIV are generally available and may be accessed either online or by means of dispatch services…

…Summarizing the information given above, it is important to stress the high professional level of activities implemented within the framework of the RRC Resource Center that renders competent technical and educational aid to the regional RRC branches and other partners representing Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies of different countries that are interested in cooperation and obtaining credible information on HIV and Tuberculosis.

As an idea I would like to make a request to expand the scale of awareness-raising activities so that the information on the implemented programs, new educational materials and recommendations could go beyond the RRC branches and sister National Societies and reach other organizations of Eastern European and Central Asian countries engaged in HIV and TB services. The expansion of awareness-raising campaigns may be executed by target dispatch through, ensuring higher level of sociability of the Facebook group and other social media. For no doubt, the expansion of dissemination activities not only among the Movement components, but also the other specialized AIDS-service agencies would form a supplementary basis for the strengthening of the RRC professional image, appropriate enhancement of its credibility within the framework of AIDS Services Organizations as soon as the activities implemented within the framework of the RRC RC deserve the highest possible appraisal of the professional community being characterized by innovation, professionalism, succession and commitment.  



07.04.2015 White Chamomile Day

World Tuberculosis Day - White Chamomile Day is organized annually on March 24.

The memorable date is named in honor of “natural antibiotic” - a chamomile that was widely used for treatment of lung diseases and tuberculosis at that time. A chamomile became a symbol of fresh breath and healthy lungs.

On this day we want to remind that tuberculosis is a dangerous infectious (contagious) disease that emerges when disease agent - mycobacterium tuberculosis or Koch’s bacillus - enters the human body. The disease agent enters the body of the healthy person via aerosol transmission through inhalation of contaminated air. Tuberculosis can occur in any part of the body but more often it affects the lungs.

Follow simple tuberculosis prevention rules:

- keep healthy lifestyle;
- avoid contact with coughing people;
- treat chronic diseases in time;
- air rooms regularly. 

06.04.2015 HIV-infection prevention is in the hands of the youth

 From 18 to 20 March 2015,
I and II level training 
“HIV-infection prevention among the youth.
Peer instructors training”
        took place in Irkutsk


The training was developed and conducted by RRC RC Technical Support Group on HIV and TB specialists jointly with specialists of Russian Red Cross Irkutsk regional branch within the framework of the project “HIV-infection prevention and service support of people living HIV in Irkutsk”.

To conduct the training a unique methodological package earlier developed by RRC RC Technical Support Group was used. All methodological materials are available at RRC RC Technical Support Group electronic resource:

The training took place in friendly and business atmosphere. School pupils and students of colleges and universities of Irkutsk were the participants of the training. Almost all the participants are members of different pedagogical squads of the city. 

All the training’s sessions received great attention of participants, many of them made “discoveries” for themselves about the ways of HIV-infection transmission, preventive actions, characteristics of the epidemic growth in Russia and Irkutsk region in particular.

After the training was completed all the participants got certificates of peer instructors which allow them to conduct informational sessions. They were also presented with small souvenirs with Red Cross symbolic. Participants’ feedbacks became the final accord: sitting in a circle each of them shared their impressions, plans and wishes. After that anonymous assessment questionnaires were filled.    

The feedbacks the trainers received show that participants are satisfied with the training in general. They are satisfied with trainers work and the vast majority is satisfied with the results and the level of training organization. Participants noted they would like more practice but otherwise the balance of working forms is observed.

The majority of participants note that they feel confident as peer instructors.


We sincerely wish new peer instructors good luck in honorable and difficult HIV-infection prevention work and gladly welcome them to join our volunteer movement! 


05.04.2015 Well-deserved recognition!

Head of RRC Resource Center Technical Support Group on HIV and TB Anna Illarionovna Zagainova was awarded with Russian Red Cross Medal of Honor personally by Lukutsova Raisa Timofeevna, Head of Russian Red Cross. 

This award is the recognition of Anna Zagainova’s merits of 29 years devotion to ideals of Kindness and Mercy, her remarkable contribution to RRC activities in HIV-infection prevention, promotion of healthy life style, member-staff and volunteers’ preparation and training, working in healthcare programs.

Anna Illarionovna is a high level professional, efficient organizer, leader and tutor who managed to create a good functioning team that contributed to the development of RRC Irkutsk regional branch resources and promoted dissemination of best practices among Russian Red Cross branches.

Anna Zagainova is not only a leader but the author of many methodological materials on prevention the spread of HIV-infection and training volunteers. She is a talented developer of trainer’s programs on HIV-infection, management, project planning and monitoring, knowledge management, etc. A.I.Zagainova is also an unrivalled trainer on all the listed above directions who is needed not only in Russia but in all Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies of the post-Soviet space.

For many times she represented Russian Red Cross at different all-russian and international conferences and symposiums on HIV-infection and other healthcare directions, made presentations and reports.

Thanks to selfless work of A.I.Zagainova and her colleagues at RRC Irkutsk regional branch, RRC Resource Center Technical Support Group on HIV and TB was created and works successfully. Today this group is the base of RRC program activity on healthcare.

We congratulate Anna Illarionovna Zagainova with this high award and wish her further success in strengthening educational and methodological capacity of Russian Red Cross.   


01.04.2015 "Knowledge Management" training

“Knowledge is power”!
The justice of this famous quote was proved
 to the members of the international
 training “Knowledge management”
that took place in Moscow
on March 1-2, 2015

For the first time within the system of the Russian Red Cross “Knowledge Management” training was developed and conducted by specialists of the Technical Support Group on HIV and TB questions of the Russian Red Cross Resource Center in the framework of the program “Health Regional Initiative in Eurasia region”.

The importance of the subject is dictated by life itself. For noncommercial sector which is particularly sensitive to environmental changes and sometimes even forced to survive in the circumstances of the global financial system instability the problem of searching the ways to sustainable development becomes of the highest relevance. Advanced management technology - knowledge management - can help to solve the problem.

However in the majority of National Societies intellectual capital is not formalized, analyzed and stored and access to it is often limited. The culture of knowledge sharing is formed insufficiently as well. All these factors produce a negative impact on sustainability of activities. Thus learning and implementing knowledge management processes at all levels for Red Cross/Red Crescent organization is the most important strategic necessity today. 16-hours training “Knowledge Management” was dedicated to solving these issues exactly. 

R.T.Lukutsova, Head of Russian Red Cross and D.Mukhamadiev, Head of IFRC Moscow Representation arrived to Izmailovo hotel conference hall to greet and encourage participants of the training and to emphasize the importance of the subject studied.  

Project coordinators, heads of regional branches and member staff of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Armenian and American Red Crosses participated in the training.

To conduct the training RRC RC Technical Support Group developed a package of methodological materials that include the module with full description of all the learning sessions, studies program and plan, electronic presentations visualizing all the topics of the training, questionnaire to check the information learnt and participants’ work book.

The learning program included fundamental “knowledge about knowledge”, process of conversion, extraction, storage and use of knowledge, defining key organizational competences and their estimation, information about choice of change strategies and documentation processes, analysis of work with knowledge, description of technology, methods and forms of work with explicit and implicit knowledge and etc.

For theoretical sessions on each topic of the training trainers prepared electronic presentations that visualized and made the theoretical material more structured. During the training besides the theoretical information part of attention was given to development of practical skills of defining certain steps to create an effective system of knowledge management in organizations of RC/RC and to form participants’ motivation to implement the knowledge they got in their work.

Despite the complexity of the subject studied, heavy timetable and wealth of new information participants were fully satisfied with the training. Summing up the majority of participants declared that the information they were provided with is relevant, helpful and corresponds to their professional needs.

The main conclusion the participants drew was: possessing a huge amount of information Red Cross/Red Crescent organizations must learn how to use if effectively as well as knowledge and experience of other organizations. It is the only way now to save and multiply achievements of the International Movement of Red Cross in solving critical social problems of society.

Veronika Agapova,
Head of RRC Resource Center
on HIV and TB questions,
The training was conducted by:
Anna Zagainova,
Technical Support Group member-staff
RRC RC (Irkutsk)
Gulnara Karimova
information expert/trainer methodist
RRC RC (Irkutsk)

15.02.2015 Safety Day for Those in Love

Russian Red Cross Irkutsk regional branch celebrated two interesting and very youth dates by hosting an action “Safety Day for Those in Love” which took place on February 13th at Irkutsk State National Research Technical Institute.

The action was held at the favorite branch and in the most informative format of “Informational Tent” that included two stages. At first stage students of Irkutsk State National Research Technical Institute were offered to pass mini exam on three subjects: “Reproductive Health”, “Sexually transmitted infections”, “HIV-infection”. The answers on each of the subjects were estimated appropriately by strict examiners - Irkutsk regional branch member staff and volunteers. But as opposed to real exams there was no one who failed (even who gave satisfactory answers). If a student could not find the answer, wise and kind “tutors” told him the true information and allowed to move to other subjects. After all the exams each participant was provided with informational materials to strengthen his knowledge in the future and sweet gifts.

Besides the exam everyone could express their opinion on what “Love is …” and leave it on the banner with the same title, answer our volunteer’s question “How to make your love safe?” and get preventional materials and a chewing gum “Love is…” as a nice surprise.

Everyone could participate in rapid HIV-testing hosted with assistance of Irkutsk branch nurse and Irkutsk regional AIDS and infectious diseases center. This event was a useful bonus of the action.

Russian Red Cross Irkutsk regional branch warmly thanks partners of the action for support provided:
Volunteers of the branch
Students Pedagogical Team “Altair” named after Pravik
Irkutsk State National Research Technical Institute 

13.02.2015 The main focus is to preserve the health of the youth

On January 20-23, 2015 in Khabarovsk
took place I and II level of training 
“HIV-infection prevention among the youth.
Training for peer instructors”

The training was developed and conducted by specialists of RRC Resource Center Technical Support Group on HIV and TB questions in the framework of RRC Khabarovsk regional branch project “Additional service in realization events on prevention of HIV-infection and hepatitis B and C in the framework of campaign on awareness and educating different population groups about means and methods of HIV-infection and hepatitis B and C prevention in 2014-2015”.


At the end of last year RRC Khabarovsk regional branch together with other commercial and non-commercial organizations of the region  participated in the contest conducted by the AIDS prevention and control Center of the Khabarovsk Territory and successfully won the right to deliver public service realizing events on HIV-infection and hepatitis B and C prevention in the Khabarovsk Territory as it has offered the most appropriate conditions, human and volunteer resources of the branch as well as experience in the sphere. The preventional events will be financed from the State budget that is in total 1,5 million rubles. Training for peer instructors became one of the first steps of these events realization.

RRC staff-members and volunteers from Khabarovsk, Birobidzhan, Komsomolsk on Amur participated in the training and expressed their willingness to use “peer-to-peer” approach in preventional and educational programs and events of the Khabarovsk Territory. The future peer instructors as well as organizers of preventional activity took part in the training. It was the cause of a big diversity in the age of participants – from 15 to 53. However it only made the training more effective: senior staff-members assisted volunteers in presenting their trainer’s skills and junior volunteers performed creativity and energy.

To conduct the training RRC Recourse Center used a unique methodological package that was developed earlier which include training protocol, participants work book, selection of educational handout materials and electronic presentations on each of the projects topics. All the methodological materials are available at the electronic resource of RRC Resource Center Technical Support Group:



The program of peer instructors training on HIV prevention consists of four basic blocks:

  • The main information on HIV-infection, including the information on the ways of its transmission, myths about HIV, stigma and discrimination, HIV-infection prevention and necessary information on the topics above mentioned that peer instructors will present to the youth audience at informational sessions;
  • Communicational and training skills including work with difficult audience, communication with the group, characteristics of a good peer instructor, methods and means of training, characteristics of target groups, etc.;
  • Organization of informational sessions including planning, hosting, coordinating and other organizational questions;
  • Training’s participants’ individual presentations on the topics of preventional informational session for the youth (to train practical instructor’s skills and perform the knowledge learnt).

The training took place in a very friendly atmosphere. The training group worked together creatively and with interest.

The analyze of the final assessment questionnaires demonstrated that all the participants highly estimated the training in general and the majority stated that almost all the information acquired was helpful and interesting. The participants are fully satisfied with the information acquired and the quality of handout materials. Participants’ expectations from the training were met. According to participants the duration of the training corresponds to its content, the balance between theory and practice is maintained, the volume of the information acquired is sufficient. Participants of the training also expressed their full satisfaction with the trainer’s work and the logistic organization of the training.

Let us wish them success! They have a long and thorny way to go but the aim is noble. There is a lot of enthusiasm and knowledge acquired. So it means they will succeed!

RRC Resource Center from its side announces that it is always there for those who want to become more confident in their knowledge, who want to learn the great experience of others and share their own  successful practices.


Viktoria Makarchuk,
Head of RRC Khabarovsk regional branch
Training was conducted by
Anna Zaiganova,
staff-member of  RRC RC
Technical Support Group (Irkutsk)

31.12.2014 Happy New Year!

Dear colleagues, friends!

Accept the sincerest congratulating on coming New Year!
The expiring year was noted by a set of events which demanded attention and efforts of the Red Cross.

We tell many thanks to all, who supported our activity – to the employees, volunteers, partners, not indifferent habitants of the Irkutsk oblast. We address our warm words to everybody thanks to whom many people who needed have received the help, attention and care. 

We wish you to be healthy and to have enough patience and forces to continue the noble cause. Let your enthusiasm and optimism won't run low, and a coming year will become successful and will bring much pleasant cares, many fascinating and interesting businesses and events, and many new challenges  that will do us only stronger and wiser. And, certainly, we wish you to get a lot of new remarkable friends!  

Happy New Year!  We wish you peace and prosperity! 


03.12.2014 Training of peer instructors on HIV prevention within the framework of the project «Preventing HIV and supporting PLHIV in Irkutsk» going on

Another training session to educate peer instructors on HIV prevention among youth has just been held by the Irkutsk regional RRC  branch. Among those who participated were the secondary school students (4 people) and the students of higher educational institutes and vocational schools of the Irkutsk city (7 people). All the participants of the training session were the members of various educational teams. A few of them were already aware of the RRC activities in Irkutsk, while for the others the training session turned out to be the first chance to get acquainted with the organization, its prevention activities and peer-approach.

The training session was conducted in accordance with the program and the protocol of the Second Grade Peer Instructors Training presented within the framework of Module III “HIV prevention among youth” which is available at: pages/Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder/ Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder_inf_metod/Modul_III_Metodicheskij_p.html.

The training session was held in a friendly atmosphere. All the participants took active part in discussions and group activities sharing their viewpoint with the others. Over the three days of the training session the participants have learnt a lot of new things, took part in discussions, group activities and games, tried on the role of peer instructors and passed both theoretical and practical examinations.

At the end of the training session participants received certificates of training and promotional gifts. They also reflected on the activity having presented their viewpoints, plans and wishes. All of them turned out to be generally satisfied with the training session.  A memento photo picturing all the participants has been taken.


The report has been prepared by the RRC RC TSG trainer
Gulnara Karimova , e-mail:
All the question regarding participation
in the training sessions should be
addressed to Anna Nikonova ,
Tel: 8(3952) 382-557 

02.12.2014 How to ensure effective project management?

Participants of the training session
«Project management, monitoring and
evaluation in non-commercial sphere»,
held in Moscow on October 21-24, 2014
tried to answer this question


The training session was elaborated and conducted by the Technical Support Group of the RRC Resource Center for HIV and TB within the framework of the  program titled “Regional Healthcare Initiative in Eurasian Countries”. The target audience included the staff members of the headquarters and the regional branches of the Russian Red Cross, Byelorussian Red Cross, Armenian Red Cross and Ukrainian Red Cross. The total number of participants amounted to 17 people. The RRC regional branches were represented by the cities of Irkutsk, Birobidjan, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Sochi, Belorechensk (Krasnodar region) and the Republic of Crimea.

A package of unique educational materials, including the training protocol, its detailed plan and program, a check-up test and a number of hand-outs and electronic presentations on every topic covered, has been prepared to conduct the RRC RC training session. All the materials are available at the RRC RC TSG electronic resource at:


Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder_inf_metod.html .

As soon as the training session was the first of the kind both the participants and the trainers worried a lot. Such training sessions have never been conducted in Russian before. Speaking of their expectations all the participants of the training sessions figured out the lack of knowledge on project management and planning that could allow them to ensure sustainable development of their organizations. 

One should mark, that the issues that were being discussed in the course of the training session were totally unfamiliar to the participants. Almost all the managers who took part in the training discussions have had a vast experience in project management. However, none of them knew the “rules of the game”, i.e. had no theoretical background in project management. In the course of four days the participants were trying to comprehend rather complex though effective project management tools.

The first two days were devoted to project management in non-commercial sphere. Theoretical and practical exercises allowed the participants to expand their knowledge of project planning, control and implementation. They have got acquainted with such management disciplines as scope management, risk management, time management, resources management, project substantiation and stakeholders management and realized the scope of management activities they have to coordinate  to ensure effective project management. 

The third and the fourth days of the training sessions were devoted to one of the most important stages of project implementation – Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The main goal of this part of the training session was to make Monitoring and Evaluation a practical, easy-to-comprehend and useful tool that could be deliberately applied on all the stages of project planning and implementation. During the training session the participants were getting acquainted with theoretical aspects and then applied their knowledge learning to elaborate  M&E plan for their projects, determine the right indicators and make up formulas to measure the latter. They also studied the international M&E standards and requirements for project reporting. Practical exercises took most of the time on days three and four what allows to hope that all the participants received handsome practical knowledge of elaborating adequate M&E plans.

All the participants were working in a warm friendly atmosphere employing their creative abilities, demonstrating the will to comprehend the new material and showing solidarity for their colleagues when somebody failed to quickly get the point. Due to that all the difficult topics were grasped by the majority of the participants. Most of them found it difficult to perform the final check-up test, however almost everybody succeeded with this assignment.  

The analysis of the final evaluation form has shown that the participants were generally satisfied with the training and most of them pointed out that the knowledge obtained was vital, useful and met their professional needs. The participants' expectations have generally proved true.


All the questions regarding participation in the training sessions may be addressed to the RRC RC head Veronika Agapova:

The comprehensive analytical report on the training session may be found at:





The training session and the final report were
prepared by the RRC RC TSG representatives
(the city of Irkutsk) Anna Zagainova
Anastasia Kalachiova
and the RRC RC TSG, 
9, Zheleznodorozhnaya str,
Irkutsk, Russia 664005,
tel./fax +7 (3952) 38 25 57  

01.12.2014 The Irkutsk reginoal RRC branch assisting the Ukrainian citizens

Dear friends, donors, volunteers, colleagues and the visitors of our web-site!


We would like  to express our sincere gratitude to all those warm-hearted people whose support has already allowed us to help over 2000 Ukrainian citizens who had to leave their country.


We continue to round up support. Your donations in monetary

form are most welcome.


Below you can find the general report of the Irkutsk regional RRC branch describing its activities to support the Ukrainian citizens 

The total amount collected from 01.06.2014 – 1 193 581,04 Rubles

Already distributed – 973 435,50 Rubles

Total amount of applications received from the Ukrainian citizens – 752 applications


Assistance rendered to the Ukrainian citizens:

psycho-social assistance – 752 counseling sessions
humanitarian aid including that rendered in the course of the trips to the  temporary housing areas as well as assistance provided at the office premises (clothes, bed linen, crockery) – 2004 people covered
hygiene kits (shampoo, balsam, shower gel, shavers, hair masks, antiperspirants and etc.) - 535 units distributed

food parcels (cereals, oil, sweeties, canned goods) – 197 units distributed

number of beneficiaries, who received food items (including food parcels) – 414 people
counseling sessions (on social services) – 752 sessions

2 trains with 1508 Ukrainian citizens have been met


We would like to specially thank:

The volunteers of the Irkutsk regional RRC RC branch, whose selfless effective assistance has allowed to quickly prepare food parcels and hygiene kits for the Ukrainian citizens!



“RUSSIA” Food Bank, that has furnished hygiene items for the Ukrainian citizens  free of charge. 


06.10.2014 The focus of attention is resources mobilization as an element of sustainable development

RRC Resource Center on HIV and TB questions is continuing its activities on development and capacity-building of RC/RC National societies in Eurasian region countries.


In September 2014, in cooperation and under technical support of Ukrainian Red Cross and Kazakhstan Red Crescent Society, American Red Cross and IFRC/RC Central Asian Office, RRC Resource Center conducted two I-level trainings devoted to project planning questions, monitoring, evaluation and volunteer management.

Trainings were developed and conducted by RRC Resource Center technical support group staff (Irkutsk). Big methodological packages containing trainings’ protocols, detailed plans and educational programs, handout educational materials and electronic presentations visualizing all the topics of trainings set in the plan were prepared by RRC Resource Center for each of the training. All methodological materials available at: pages/ Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder/ Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder_inf_metod.html.


The first training “ the Volunteer Management” took place on 17 - 19 September 2014 in Kiev (Ukraine) for the staff and volunteers of Ukrainian and Belarusian Red Cross. 

On 22-25 September in Almaty (Kazakhstan) a four days training was hosted by RC Resource Center trainers on a very different but focused on development and NS capacity-building topics – “Resource mobilization and project planning. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting”. The staff of Kazakhstan Red Crescent society (15 people) and Turkmenistan Red Crescent society (3 people) participated in the training.

The key aim of the training was to educate participants skills of resource mobilization and effective use of its main tools – project planning and fundraising. Participants learnt step-by-step theoretical materials and then how to create in practice the design of competitive projects and tried to create monitoring and estimation systems by themselves in accordance with national and international requirements in the field that in its turn should enhance capacity-building and development sustainability of Red Cross Central Asian region National societies.

All the topics of the training were accompanied by handout materials necessary to be used during practical exercises or to use in further work. Moreover all the participants were supplied with additional materials in both electronic and printed formats - IFRC/RC guides, Resource Center methodological developments, other organizations’ literature.

Saying goodbye to participants trainers “left the doors opened” offering their assistance and methodological support available on the site of RRC RC electronic library at or addressing them directly via email.

Full analytical reports on trainings conducted by RRC Resource Center in September 2014 can be found at: pages/ Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder/ Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder_reports/ Otchety_po_meropriyatiyam.html


RRC Resource Center will continue its work on RC/RC National societies’ capacity-building – in October, in Moscow a training will take place that for the first time will present the topic of modern project management. You can address the head of Resource Center Veronica Agapova on all the questions of participation in the training


03.10.2014 The meeting of the second special train with Ukrainian citizens

The second special train with Ukrainian citizens which were forced to leave the territory of their country arrived to the railway station Irkutsk-Passenger on the night of 29 August 2014. The arrived people were met by the staff and volunteers of RRC Irkutsk regional branch, the staff of the Ministry of Social Development, the guardianship authorities of Angara region, the Russian EMERCOM in Irkutsk, the police and the medical personnel.


The staff and volunteers of RRC Irkutsk regional branch provided the newly arrived with drinking water and leaflets with contact numbers for them to get humanitarian aid. Moreover, volunteers actively participated in uploading railcar units – helped to carry things and transported refugees in wheelchair specially prepared for this purpose.

The arrived Ukrainians were housed in four temporary accommodation centers of Angara region: in children’s recreation center “the Galaxy”, children’s recreation camp “Zvezdniy”, in the premise of former hospital ¹2, children’s recreation center “Lukomorie”, where they were provided with hot meal, leaflets and documents and informed on the order of further staying in Irkutsk region.  


02.10.2014 Meeting of the train with Ukrainian citizens from escaped the combat zone.

On 24 August 606 Ukrainian citizens escaped from the combat zone and arrived to Irkutsk region for permanent residence. 

The staff and volunteers of RRC Irkutsk regional branch, the staff of the Ministry of Social Development, the guardianship authorities of Angara region, the Russian EMERCOM in Irkutsk, the police, medical personnel came to meet a passenger train on the railway station Irkutsk – Passenger.

RC volunteers helped refugees to carry things, supplied them with water. The psychologist of RC Irkutsk regional branch was also in the group to assist the arrived people with psychological support.

At the moment the Ukrainian refugees’ families arrived to Irkutsk region are housed in temporary accommodation centers and provided with the usual conditions of life. 


01.10.2014 From effective planning to sustainable development

On 13-15 August 2014 RRC Resource Center on HIV and TB questions in cooperation and with  organizational support of Belarusian Red Cross and American RC conducted the Training of Level I “the Project planning, monitoring, estimation and reporting” in Minsk (the Republic of Belarus) .

Belarusian Red Cross and Armenian Red Cross Headquarters’ staff became the participants of the training.

The training was aimed to teach the participants how to create a competitive project and to develop monitoring and evaluation systems according to national and international requirements in the field that in its turn must contribute to capacity-building and resilient development of RC National societies.


The atmosphere of the training was friendly and constructive.

During the training the participants learnt about “the result oriented planning” approach and the sphere of strategic and operative planning implementation, trained practical skills on developing the logic matrix and M&E plan, could see monitoring and estimation place and role in the process of project planning, learnt the IFRC’s principles, standards and approaches in the field. The separate session was devoted to the format of project application and studying its different sections (Gantt chart, budget, M&E plan and others).

Participants were supplied with handout materials on all the topics of the training and used them for practical exercises. Besides that, they were given a package of methodological materials in both electronic and printed formats -  IFRC guides and RRC Resource Center’s methodological developments: “the Reporting”, “the Registration and Reporting Forms”, “How to write a success story”, “the Indicator’s box” and others.

During sessions different methods were used by the trainers, including mini-lectures, group works, brain storm, question and answer, self-esteem and others. A training case was considered and practical skills were trained during every session that helped to learn the material in easier way.

Training participants were given the possibility to learn step-by-step project’s analysis and development phase and try to implement the main tool of this phase: stakeholders’ analysis, SWOT-analysis, problem-tree and task-tree, the potential decisions’ choice. 

To create by themselves the logic results chain and project’s logic matrix (logframe) became a fascinating and challenging work for participants.

It was the third training day that probably became the most difficult and active one aimed to monitoring and estimation processes. Participants gradually completed the M&E plan for their projects, tried to develop indicators by themselves using SMART-approach and thought over all data collection methods for figuring out the indicators, learnt about some analysis and data processing tools and about report forms and requirements. All the third day trainings were accompanied by heated and creative discussions.

Speaking about the general assessment of the training, the majority of participants recognized that their expectations were fully realized and the given information is relevant and will be helpful as it corresponds to their professional needs. In their final assessment questionnaires all the participants expressed full satisfaction with the knowledge and skills they got as well as the will to put everything into practice immediately. The logistics of the training was also highly esteemed as well as the trainers work (90 per cent of participants gave the highest rates).

In conclusion the majority of participants expressed the wish to extend the duration of the training to four working days in order to have more trainings on practical skills in the field of project planning. Participants also consider it useful for them to be trained on project management which is the logic continuation of this project and is planned for this year October in Moscow.          

Saying goodbye to participants trainers “left the doors opened” offering their assistance and methodological support available on the site of RRC RC electronic library at or addressing them directly via email.

 The training was hosted and reported by RRC RC Technical Support group members

Anna Zagainova

Anastasia Kalacheva 


23.06.2014 Fundraising continues

Dear visitors of the site!

Fund raising for those suffered at Altay and for Ukrainian refugees continues!

Donations can be given both by money and by clothes.  

Money can be transferred using the following methods (please indicate the purpose of payment :  "ALTAY" or "REFUGEES"):

  • Mobile ArsenalPay (accepted by BWC, Beeline, Megafon, MTS operators):

Money can be transferred by sending SMS to number 1500:

OPLATA <space> RED <space> sum donated
SMS example: «oplata red 100», where 100 is donated sum


ÎÏËÀÒÀ <space> 2077 <space> donated sum 
SMS example: «îïëàòà 2077 100», where 100 is donated sum

SMS with payment details will be sent to the indicated telephone number.  For successful transfer the payment should be confirmed by response  SMS.

* SMS text shall not contain quotas, all the data shall be spaced.

  • Transfer to QIWI purse (Instructions)
  • Bank transfer using Ñáåðáàíê ÎíË@éí 

  • Bank transfer from the nearest Saving Bank office or from any commercial bank on the territory of Russia

Our details:

Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross  
Legal address: 
664005, Irkutsk 2nd. Zheleznodorozhnaya Str, 9 
Mail address:  
664005, Irkutsk 2nd-Zheleznodorozhnaya Str, 9 
Acc. 40703810318350100728 
Corr. Acc. 30101810900000000607 
Baikalsk Bank of SB RF OSB #8586, Irkutsk 
BIK 042520607 
INN 3808016470 KPP 380801001 
OGRN 1023800001830 

Legal address:
664005, Irkutsk 2nd. Zheleznodorozhnaya Str, 9
Mail address:
664005 Irkutsk,  2nd. Zheleznodorozhnaya Str, 9

Acc. 40703810318350100728
Corr. Acc. 30101810900000000607
SB Baikalsk Bank RF OSB # 8586, Irkutsk
BIK  042520607
INN 3808016470 KPP 380801001
OGRN  1023800001830

  • Transfer using Gorod terminals
  • Personally in the office of Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross  at the address:    2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str, 9,  Angara Resort bus stop

Humanitarian aid may include (only new things are accepted):

  • Bed clothes: blankets, pillows, mattresses, linen
  • Towels
  • Socks and stockings
  • Clothes: summer and warm clothes
  • Footwear
  • Underwear
  • Hygiene essentials: detergents
  • Clean up kits:  soap, shampoo, etc.
  • Sleeping bags
  • Furnaces/burners
  • Kitchenware

Things are accepted from 9 am till 5 pm on working days at the address:  2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str, 9 Angara Resort bus stop

Tel. 89086464691

Person for contacts: Karimova Gul'nara


13.06.2014 Russian Red Cross and events at Ukraine

Dear citizens of Irkutsk and Irkutsk oblast!

Please be aware that Russian Red Cross does not deal with gathering and dispatching the volunteers to Ukraine.

According to joint declaration of Ukrainian Red Cross, Russian Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the International Red Cross Committee (text of the  Declaration is given here), actions of Russian Red Cross are aimed at providing aid in case of humanitarian demands throughout the country, including in connection with situation occurred at Ukraine. 


12.06.2014 Happy Holiday!

Dear brothers and  fellow citizens!

Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross congratulates you on the Day of Russia! 


06.06.2014 Urgent fundraising for those suffered from flood in Siberian Federal Okrug

Dear people of Siberia!

Friends, colleagues, partners, donors, fellow citizens!

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross calls you to provide support to our neighboring Siberian Federal Okrug suffered from flood.

Due to heavy rains the water level in the rivers raised and flooded a number of  settlements. Emergency situation has been declared in a number of Siberian regions.  Altay Republic, Altay Kray and Khakasiya Republic suffered most heavily.  Thousands of houses and gardens have been flooded, some people perished.

Donations are accepted in money equivalent. 

Donations can be transferred using the methods described further (indicate in the payment order "for flood sufferers")

  • ArsenalPay mobile payments:

Donations can be transferred by sending SMS to number 1500 with the following message:

OPLATA <space> RED <space> donated sum
example of SMS: «oplata red 100», where 100 – is a sum donated (in rubles)


ÎÏËÀÒÀ <space> 2077 <space> donated sum:
example of SMS: «îïëàòà 2077 100», where 100 – is a sum donated (in rubles)

SMS with payment details will be sent to the indicated telephone number. For successful transfer the payment should be confirmed by response  SMS.

* SMS text shall not contain quotas, all the data shall be spaced.

  • Transfer to QIWI purse (Instructions)
  • Bank transfer using Ñáåðáàíê ÎíË@éí
  • Bank transfer from the nearest Saving Bank office or from any commercial bank on the territory of Russia

Our details:

Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross
Legal address:
664005, Irkutsk 2nd. Zheleznodorozhnaya Str, 9
Mail address:
664005, Irkutsk 2nd-Zheleznodorozhnaya Str, 9

Acc. 40703810318350100728
Corr. Acc. 30101810900000000607
Baikalsk Bank of SB RF OSB #8586, Irkutsk
BIK 042520607
INN 3808016470 KPP 380801001
OGRN 1023800001830

  • Transfer using Gorod terminals



  • Personally in the office of Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross  at the address: Irkutsk,  2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str, 9 Angara Resort bus stop

Tel. 89086464691

Person for contacts: Gulnara Karimova


According to the data of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the number of people suffered from flood makes:

  • 19,618 people in Altay Kray;
  • 27,682 people in Altay Republic;
  • 4,213 people in Khakasiya Republic

26.05.2014 Jubilee: Celebrations

90th jubilee of Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross was celebrated on May 23, 2014. 

The Regional Branch birthday became a real holiday for the entire Irkutsk oblast: representatives from different provinces of the Irkutsk oblast, honoured donors and volunteers took part in the celebrations.    Representatives from Irkutsk administration, partners from state agencies and NGOs came to congratulate the Red Cross workers.

On that day the Red Cross workers both accepted congratulations and thanked, gave gifts and honoured their partners and colleagues, volunteers, veterans, and donors by  giving Letters of Gratitude and Letters of Honour. 

We heartily thank our partners, colleagues, volunteers, veterans, and donors who have been supporting and inspiring our humanitarian organization of the Irkutsk oblast for many years! 


23.05.2014 We are 90!

...Wives and daughters of famous merchant families of Irkutsk; women and men tired after a hard working day standing in a line to give blood to wounded soldiers of the Great Patriotic War; young girls studying medical sciences at the Red Cross caregiver courses whose destiny was to become medical facilitators at the forefronts or hospitals in the war time; young volunteers participating in the informational campaigns on the propaganda of the healthy way of life... What unites them?  What unites them - young and elderly ones, living and parted, all of them so different?

We, all of us are just 90!

On May 15, 2014,

on the Day of Russian Red Cross,

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross celebrates its 90th anniversary.

We congratulate all the citizens of Irkutsk oblast to the Day of Russian Red Cross!

Celebrations devoted to the 90th anniversary of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross  will take place on May, 23, 2014.  Registration will start at 10 am in the conference hall of Pravoberezhny okrug administration to the address: City of Irkutsk, Marata Str., 14 


22.05.2014 150 Years of Humanitarian Activity

On the 8th of May the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement with participation of Russian Red Cross celebrates the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. 

Our congratulations to our Common Holiday!

You surely know that in 2014 we celebrate jubilees of events memorable for Red Cross and Red Crescent movement:

  • On August 22, 2014 we will celebrate 150 years of the First Geneva Convention (on that day it was adopted by 12 states);
  • In August 2014 it will be 100 years of the First World War commencement, and foundation of the International Agency on Army Prisoners (October, 1914).

All the workers and volunteers, veterans and active participants of Russian Red Cross are welcome to join the International Red Cross Committee and International Federation of RC/RC Societies and celebrations devoted to those memorable events united under the topic: "150 years of Humanitarian Activity".

2014 motto of the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is:  "My Red Cross Story". 

Many people contact Red Cross every day or contribute into its activity even not being aware of it.  Just imagine how many people are trained First Aid, or, probably, you heard about the families that received aid after natural disaster, or they have friends donated into local support programs not being aware that actually it was Red Cross activity.  In 2014 we would like everybody to call to memory their personal experience with Russian Red Cross.  When did you hear first about this organization? If you are Red Cross participants, when were you involved?  What is your Red Cross and Red Crescent story?

We ask workers and volunteers of Russian Red Cross, supported organizations and people from different groups of population to share their stories related to Red Cross.

You may tell us about your first positive contact with Red Cross Movement and inspire others! 

Stories can be mailed to RC email: Please, indicate the topic: Red Cross Stories. Please, be creative! Photos, video, etc. are welcome!

Persons for contacts:
Karomova Gulnara
Nikonova Anna
Tel. 8 (3952) 38-25-57 

01.05.2014 Urgent gathering of charitable contributions!

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, well-doers, brothers!

Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross declares gathering the charitable contributions for people suffered from fire in Cheremkhovo town, Irkutsk oblast.

On 29.04.2014 a message came on firing the dwelling houses in Cheremkhovo. By the moment the first fire crew arrived, five houses were caught with fire. Under strong wind (more than 20 m/sec) the fire quickly jumped to neighboring houses. The fire was localized. According to preliminary data of the Federal Rescue Service, the fire destroyed 18 hoses, 64 persons suffered from fire, their property being completely destroyed!

We call you not to be indifferent and support the people whose life so radically changed overnight.


You can support people by giving clothes and money.

Money can be transferred using one of the methods given below (please, indicate: "for those suffered in Cheremkhovo):

  • ArsenalPay:

Money can be transfered by sending SMS to number 1500 with the following message:

OPLATA <space> RED <space> donated sum
example of SMS: «oplata red 100», where 100 – is donated sum in rubles


ÎÏËÀÒÀ <space> 2077 <space> donated sum
example of SMS: «îïëàòà 2077 100», where 100 – is donated sum in rubles

After that SMS with payment details will be sent to your telephone number. Payment shall be confirmed by return SMS.

SMS text shall have no commas, all the detail shall be spaced.

  • Transfer to QIWI purse (Guidelines)
  • Sberbank ÎíË@éí bank transfer
  • Bank transfer from the nearest branch of Russian Saving Bank or from any commercial bank on the territory of Russia.

Our details:

Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross
Legal address:
Irkutsk, 664005 2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya, 9
Mail address:
Irkutsk, 664005 2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya, 9

Acc. 40703810318350100728
Cor. acc.  30101810900000000607
Baikalsk Bank of SB RF OSB # 8586 City of Irkutsk
BIK 042520607
INN 3808016470 ÊÏÏ 380801001
OGRN 1023800001830

  • Gorod Terminals
  • Personally to the Office of Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross to the address: Irkutsk,  2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9 Angara Resort But Stop

You can also give the following things (they shall be new and packed):

  • Bed clothes: blankets, pillows, mattresses, linen
  • Towels
  • Socks and stockings
  • Clothes: summer and warm clothes
  • Footwear
  • Underwear
  • Detergents .
  • Cosmetics: Soap, shampoo, etc.
  • Sleeping bags
  • Stoves/burners
  • Kitchenware

Donations are accepted from 9 am till  5 pm on working days to the address: 2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9 Angara Resort But Stop

Tel.: 8 (3952) 382-557

Person for contacts: Karimova Gulnara


There are no people killed by fire in Cheremkhovo.

On 29.04.2014 to the central dispatching center of fire station of FGKU #4 for Irkutsk oblast a message came on the fire at dwelling hoses in 1st Uritsky Str., Vnutrikvartalnaya Str., 2nd Krasnoarmeyskaya Str. At the moment the first fire crew arrived, five houses were caught with fire. Under strong wind (more than 20 m/sec) the fire quickly jumped to neighboring houses. The fire was localized. According to preliminary data, the fire destroyed 18 houses. 



01.05.2014 Congratulations to the May Day Holiday!

Dear fiends, colleagues, well-doers!

Spring is so inspiring for every Russian not only because the nature awakes, but also because of those great dates we celebrate in May. 

This spring the Irkutsk Branch of Russian Red Cross celebrates its 90th anniversary and for us it is another excuse to congratulate all of you to the May holidays and thank you for cooperation with us!

Our hearest congratulations to all the May celebrations: 

May, 1 - Day of Spring and Labor!

May, 8 - International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

May, 9 - Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

May, 15 - Jubilee of Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross, and Birthday of Russian Red Cross!

With best wishes on behalf of Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross, 

Sergey A. Davidyan, Chairperson 


25.04.2014 Annual report 2013

Dear friends and colleagues!

Please find a Report on our activity in 2013.


You can download the Report here


24.04.2014 Action "90 Good Deeds!"

You are welcome for gifts … you may get if you participate in the action “90 Good Deeds!”

The activity is dated to 90-th jubilee of Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross.

The competition consists in development and realization of “Good Deeds” (projects, activities, competitions, festivals, etc.) for pensioners, veterans, widows, invalid people, children and other social groups. They shall be aimed at propaganda of healthy way of life, strengthening the family status, development of tolerant attitude towards people around you, study of the regional history, care about animals and environment, area enhancement, etc.


We welcome everything that can be called a Good Deed!

Everybody is welcome for participation, both Red Cross volunteers and all those indifferent towards our problems.

Period of the competition: from February 1 till May 15, 2014.

More details about competition you may get here or by telephone 8 (3952) 382-557, Anna Nikonova.

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross has been operating in the City of Irkutsk and the region since 1924! 


25.03.2014 White Chamomile Prevention Action

The action timed to the World Day of Struggle against Tuberculosis was held in Irkutsk on March, 24.

A white chamomile is a world symbol of struggle against tuberculosis and it gave the name to the action held by Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross in the Irkutsk branch of the All-Russia State Institute of Cinematography.


Objective of the White Chamomile action was to deliver in the understandable form the information on the necessity of timely medical investigation, on TB prevention measures, and propaganda of healthy way of life among youth. 

The action was held in the form of "Informational Tent".  All the participants were given informational booklets with useful information on TB and HIV prevention, calendars with contact details of the Information and Consultancy Center "Stupeni", and sweet gifts. 


24.03.2014 Peer Instructors Training in Bodaibo Town

Early in March trainers of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross visited Bodaibo town for holding a 2-day training session on educating the HIV prevention peer instructors from the students of Bodaibo Mining College. 

Despite time shortage the future volunteers-instructors got much new information. 


The training was terminated by awarding certificates and giving gifts from the Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross

The activity was initiated by Bodaibo administration.   


18.03.2014 Gathering Donations for Ukrainian Refugees

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross calls for people of the region to participate in gathering the donations for Ukrainian refugees and provide the support.

Due to acute political, economic and social crisis in the neighboring Ukraine that preconditions the humanitarian catastrophe the Russian Red Cross organizes gathering the donations for Ukrainian refugees who have to look for a shelter in the Russian Federation, and for the most vulnerable groups of population in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. 


Money gathered will be forwarded to the Russian Red Cross Headquarters and distributed among RF subjects with the largest number of refugees.

Financial support for the refugees can be provided using one of the methods of payment described below. The purpose of payment should be "For Ukrainian refugees"

  •  ArsenalPay payments:

Money can be transferred by sending SMS to number 1500 with the following text:

OPLATA <space> RED <space> the donated sum
An example of SMS: «oplata red 100», where 100 is the sum in rubles


ÎÏËÀÒÀ <space> 2077 <space> the sum
An example of SMS: «îïëàòà 2077 100», where 100 is the sum of donation in rubles

Then SMS with payment details will be sent to the telephone number.  The payment should be confirmed by back SMS.

*SMS message shall not contain quotas; all the details shall be given via spaces.

*Cost of the first SMS-message to number 1500 is up to 1.5 RUR, depending on the operator.

  • Money transfer to QIWI purse (Guidelines)
  • Bank transfer to the Saving Bank On-line system (Ñáåðáàíê ÎíË@éí)
  • Bank transfer from the nearest branch of the Russian Saving Bank or any commercial bank on the territory of Russia

Our Bank Details:

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Public Organization Russian Red Cross
Legal address:
664005, Irkutsk, 2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya, 9
Mail address:
664005, Irkutsk, 2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya, 9

Acc. 40703810318350100728
Corr. Acc. 30101810900000000607
Baikal Bank of Saving Bank of RF OSB ¹ 8586 Irkutsk
BIK 042520607
INN 3808016470 KPP 380801001
OGRN 1023800001830

  • Money transfer using Gorod terminals
  • Personally in the Office of Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross at the address: Irkutsk,  2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9. Angara Kurort bus stop.

You may get details from:
8 (3952) 38-25-57, Gul'nara Khamidzhanovna Karimova
8 (3952) 38-19-01, Sergey Al'bertovich Davidyan 

10.03.2014 Opening the Kinesitherapy Office in the Ivanovo-Matreninskaya Child Health Clinic

Last year the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross took an active part in opening the kinesitherapy office in the Irkutsk State Child Health Clinic.


The Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross is glad to support the children with such diseases and wishes all the best to them and to their parents.



07.03.2014 Congratulations on the 8th of Mach!

Dear Ladies!!

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross heartily congratulates you on the spring holiday!



06.03.2014 Russian Red Cross is ready to support the most vulnerable groups of Ukrainian people

Russian Red Cross is deeply concerned about worsening humanitarian situation at Ukraine and expresses condolences to the families suffered during the conflict.

Guided by the basic principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and by the Charter of the Russian Red Cross, the Russian Red Cross (RRC) confirms its readiness to provide the required support to the Ukrainian refugees looking for a shelter at the Russian Federation.

Situation in Belgorod, Rostov, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk oblasts and in Krasnodar kray is subjected to analysis.  Regional RRC branches of these areas are getting ready for the flow of refugees.


The Russian Red Cross is ready to provide support to the most vulnerable groups of population at Ukraine via the Ukrainian Red Cross by assessing the data provided by the Ukrainian Red Cross.

Raisa Lukutsova, Chairperson of the Russian Red Cross keeps continuous contacts with the colleagues from the Ukrainian Red Cross and ensures timely data exchange with the offices of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Red Cross Committee in Moscow.

The Russian Red Cross is planning to launch a campaign on gathering the donations, if it becomes necessary.

Ukrainian Red Cross has been responding to the circumstances since November, 2013, when the crisis commenced, by providing first aid to those suffered from both sides and transporting them to the ambulances.  In the three most dramatic days the protestants and policemen were provided help.  Six volunteers of the Red Cross were wounded, one of them had a gun-shot wound, was taken to a hospital, had a surgery and currently his life is out of danger.  Red Cross rescue teams are currently on 24-hour duty. 

Mass Media representatives can get the required information from Tatiana Klenitskaya, Head of Press-Service, at tel.  8-905-713-97-40 or at tel. 8-499-126-75-71

11.02.2014 Love is nice if it is safe!

On the 14th of February many people throughout the wold celebrate St. Valentin's Day, a Day of Lovers.

Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross congratulates all the beloved and offers them to join our action "Love is nice if it is safe".


The action will take place on February, 14, 2014 at the Kirov Square from 4:00 to 5:00 PM and promises to be bright and positive! 


10.02.2014 Action for Youth "90 KIND DEEDS"


You are welcome to get gifts if you take part in the action "90 Kind Deeds" on the occasion of 90th jubilee of Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross!

The competition suggests development and rendering different "good deeds" for pensioners, veterans, widows, invalid people, kids and other social groups of people.


We welcome everything that can be called "Good Deed"!

Volunteers of our organization and all friendly people we do not know  are welcome to participate in the action!

The competition is held between February 1 and May 15, 2014.

Details of the competition are available  here or contact Nikonova Anna Vladimirovna at tel. 8 (3952) 382-557.

Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross has been operating in the city and region since 1924! 


03.02.2014 Training for Peer Instructors on HIV Prevention among Youth in Irkutsk City

At the end of January 12 more Peer Trainers on HIV Prevention among Youth joined the volunteers of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross.


We heartily congratulate the volunteers with successful termination of training, with joining a big "Red Cross" family and wish them success! 


22.01.2014 Accessible charity


Dear well-doers!

Our site now allows donations via mobile payments. You can provide support to somebody and even save somebody’s life easily and quickly by transferring money from you mobile telephone account.         


Money collected will be distributed in the following way:

  • Immediate help during local emergency situations;
  • Organization development;
  • Help to people occurred in heavy life circumstances.


The service is provided by Arsenal Media company-partner -  


14.01.2014 Informational Manuals "HIV Prevention Among Youth"

RRC Resource Centre on HIV and TB proposes to your attention Informational Manuals "HIV Prevention Among Youth" that are developed for practitioners by Technical Support Group of RRC Resource Centre. 
The objective pursued by RRC RC when developing this package of methodological materials (a system of five modules) was to develop a tool for ensuring the qualitative work of volunteers and workers dealing with education of youth and training the personnel and volunteers of HIV Prevention Projects.  
Four modules have been developed and are available for use. The fifth module is in process (tentative timeline is March, 2014).
Methodological modules contain theoretical information, practical recommendations and a number of appendices that are to assist in organization of prevention activity, in holding quality sessions for youth, in training the personnel and volunteers, and in organization of an efficient system of monitoring, evaluation and reporting within the prevention projects/programs. 
The modules were developed on the base of the existing methodological materials provided by  Red Cross and by other organizations, as well as on the base of the experience of developers and volunteers/staff of RC/RC Projects in Eurasia.


Module One is intended for the project coordinators/managers and contains general recommendations on organization of prevention activity among youth that is based on the "peer education" principle.
Module Two is intended for peer instructors and consists of two parts:  Part 1 deals with preparation of informational sessions, and Part 2 provides a detailed scenario of a 45-minute session and of a 2-hour informational session. 
Module Three provides methodological materials and a protocol of peer instructors training. 
Module Four gives detailed description of a training for trainers. 
Module Five will be devoted to management of volunteers and will contain detailed description of a training on volunteers management in the projects aimed at prevention of socially significant diseases. 

The Modules and Presentations are available at:

31.12.2013 Happy New Year!

Dear Colleagues, Friends, Well-doers, Volunteers and Guests of our site!
Irkutsk Regional Branch of Red Cross heartily congratulates you with the New Year!


We wish your deeds followed your dreams,
We wish your hearts were full of joy.
And let everything come true
That was previously planned.
With best regards, a Team of Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross.  

16.12.2013 Technical Support Group on HIV and TB of RRC Resource Center

Dear users of the Site and colleagues!
We are glad to give your attention a new page of the Site - a Page of Technical Support Group on HIV and TB of RRC Resource Center.
This Page presents information on the activity of Technical Support Group. Here you can get "quick" references to methodological materials and Appendices to them, as well as contact details of the Group members. 
At present two new publications have been placed in the subsection «Informational and Methodological Activity»:

Prevention Module I: "Methodological Materials on Organization of Prevention Activity for Fighting the HIV Epidemic"

Prevention Module II: "Methodological Package for Peer Instructors"

06.12.2013 Informational campaign "AIDS - Four Letters - Million of Lives"

By the World Day of Struggle against AIDS the Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross dated a number of activities united under one topic «AIDS - Four Letters - Million of Lives».
Objective of this large-scale informational campaign is to remind that everyone is personally responsible for protection of his health. 
The informational campaign started on November 11, when volunteers-facilitators of Irkutsk Regional Branch of RRC started visiting schools and secondary educational institutions of Irkutsk delivering informational sessions on HIV prevention. 


"Informational Tents" held in the Irkutsk Pedagogical College and in the National Research Irkutsk Technical University (November 28-29) constituted the next step of the campaign.  "Informational tents" were held in friendly atmosphere. Students took interest in updated testing and in Graffiti competition, got consultations and tickets to Akula entertainment center to the evening party devoted to HIV prevention titled "Live! Love! Dance!"
Evening party "Live!  Love! Dance!" in the Akula night club at nighttime from November 30 to December 1 became the brightest event of the prevention campaign.  Guests of the evening party learned stories of outstanding people who died from AIDS (Aizer Azimov, Gia Karandji, Freddy Merkury, Rock Hudson, Rudolf Nuriev), became aware of the "Red Ribbon" symbol, supported the World Day of Struggle against AIDS, got small gifts from the Irkutsk Branch of RRC.

The final stage of the campaign was "Positive handshaking" action that was held in the Uritskogo Street on December, 1.  During the action the volunteers of Irkutsk Branch of RRC were wearing the ad shirts with the inscription "If I am HIV-positive, would you shake my hand?", were walking along the main walking street of the city and "collected" handshaking. 
Passers-by who shook volunteer's hand were given sweets and a 2014 calendar "ICC, Stages".  Those who refused to shake hands were given booklets "You should know that" with accurate information on HIV transmission and prevention. 

29.11.2013 Activity devoted to the World Day of Struggle against AIDS

«AIDS – Four letters - Million of Lives» is the name of HIV prevention campaign organized by Irkutsk Branch of RRC that started on November 11 and will finish on December 1.
Everybody is welcome to support the HIV prevention movement by joining us at the evening party "Live! Love! Dance!" in the Akula Entertainment Center on November 30, 2013.
You will be able to participate in different competitions and get small gifts with symbols of the organization.  Entrance is free.
Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross heartily thanks partners of the action for support:
Akula Entertainment Center,
Volunteers of Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross,
Pedagogical team Altair named after Pravik, and Flibustiery team.

Contact us:
Karimova Gulnara, Coordinator, Tel.: 382-557, 89086464691 

25.11.2013 Activity devoted to the World Day of Struggle against AIDS

«AIDS – Four letters - Million of Lives» is the name of HIV prevention campaign organized by Irkutsk Branch of RRC that started on November 11 and will finish on December 1.
Within the «AIDS – Four letters - Million of Lives» the following activities are planned:
"Prevention Weekly" will be held from November 11 till December 30: facilitators-volunteers will be delivering lectures on HIV prevention to school children and students of secondary educational institutions.
«Informational Tents» will be organized in two educational institutions of Irkutsk:  in the Irkutsk Pedagogical College (November, 28 from 11:00 till 13:00), and in the National Research Irkutsk Technical University (on November 29, from 13:00 till 15:00).
«AIDS – Four letters - Million of Lives» action will be terminated by the evening party "Live! Love! Dance!" in the Akula Entertainment Center that supported this charity action.  Guests will be able to participate in different competitions and will get small gifts with Red Cross symbols. The evening party will be held on November 30, at 11.00 pm.
On December 1, on the World Day of Struggle against AIDS from 13:00 till 15:00  "Positive Handshaking" action will take place in Uritskogo Street.
Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross heartily thanks partners of the action for support:
Akula Entertainment Center,
Volunteers of Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross.
Everybody is welcome to join our action.
All the information on the course of the action will be available at our site. 

Information for contacts:
Karimova Gulnara, Coordinator, Tel.: 382-575, 89086464691 

11.11.2013 Training of Instructors on HIV Prevention Among Youth in Tulun town

Intensive work on training the volunteers and on HIV-prevention among youth is carried on in Tulun Branch of RRC and the Branch was awarded a grant from the town administration for implementation of AIDS/HIV Prevention Project.
The grant awarded provided for the social advertisement aimed at HIV prevention and training the peer volunteers for work under the project.
A total of 12 volunteers were trained in Tulun Branch of RRC. After the training they were given Certificates of Trainers on HIV prevention among youth. 

02.11.2013 Training on HIV Prevention Among Youth for instructors

RRC Resource Centre (RRC RC) on HIV and TB prevention held a four-day training session in Moscow, October 22-25, for trainers on the topic:  HIV Prevention Among Youth
After careful selection of candidates the representatives from RRC and Kazakh RC/RC were invited as they have sufficient experience of independent work on holding trainings for youth on this topic (19 persons total).
The trainings were held by A.I.Zagaynova and A.V.Kalacheva, trainers from Technical Support Group of RRC RC, representatives from Irkutsk Regional Branch of RRC.
Objective of the training was education of certified specialists - trainers from National Societies of RRC and Kazakh RC for further training of instructors on HIV Prevention Among Youth.
Following the training sessions the major share of trainees were awarded certificates that authorise them to hold independent trainings on educating the trainers from National Societies of RRC/RC on HIV  Prevention Among Youth.
The following persons were awarded the title of National Trainers on HIV Prevention Among Youth:

Dubovskaya Olga (Tula RRC Branch)
Netesova Viktoriya (Tula RRC Branch)
Karimova Gulnara (Irkutsk RRC Branch)
Medyanikova Olga (Belorechenskoye RRC Branch, Krasnodar Kray)
Beresneva Julia, (Belorechenskoye RRC Branch, Krasnodar Kray)
Borodaenko Larisa (Belgorod RRC Branch)
Indinok Oleasya (Khakassia RRC Branch)
Agapova Veronika (RRC Headquarters)
Viktorova Elena (RRC Headquarters)


01.11.2013 First Aid Training

Early in November the first in this academic year First Aid training for instructors was held.
Such trainings are always of great interest for trainees since First Aid skills reduce the sufferings from injuries and their consequences in the majority of cases.  The last training was not an exception. The trainees learned more or updated their knowledge on the transportation of the injures, on applying the bandages, on first aid in such cases as faintness, apnoea, cardiac standstill, blood-stroke, heart failure, burns, cold injuries and many others.
Training the First Aid skills is one of the key activities of the Russian Red Cross. 
This program is currently actively developed in Irkutsk where a well-trained team holds trainings in the time convenient for trainees.
First Aid courses have two types of training:
- For trainees (16 hrs, i.e. two full working days), and
- For instructors (32 hrs, i.e., four full working days).

For attending the courses you may address to:
8 (3952) 382-557 (Dvorak Ekaterina, Karimova Gulnara) 

30.10.2013 We start collecting donations for post-ambustial rehabilitation

Dear friends, colleagues, donors, and well-doers!

In May 2013 Nikita Kirilenko, 16-year old, was seriously injured. As a result of the injury the boy lost fingers on his right hand. Long period of rehabilitation awaits Nikita that will require considerable investments.


We ask you to support Nikita and his family.  Donations can be paid using the following methods:
Sberbank on-line and Sberbank terminals
By money transfer in any bank to the following bank account:
Beneficiary: Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Non-Profit Organization
INN 3808016470ÊÏÏ 381201001
Acc. 40703810318350100728
BIK 042520607
Acc. 30101810900000000607
Baikalsky Bank of RF Sberbank, bank office #8586, Irkutsk City
Using terminals of the Gorod system
Personally in the Irkutsk Branch of RRC (2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9, Kurort Angara bus stop).
When donating, in the appropriate graph please indicate the purpose of donation:  "For Nikita".
Report on donations collected will be available at our website.
We hope for your understanding and kind-heartiness!

Telephones for contacts:
lyudmila Semenovna (mother) 8 964-11-78-629
Irkutsk Regional Branch of RRC: 38-25-57 

19.10.2013 Distribution of donations among flood victims at the north of Irkutsk oblast

Dear colleagues, friends, well-doers!
We thank you for donating and for sympathy!

Together we managed to collect RUB 2 151 633 .46 for flood victims at the Irkutsk oblast.
Eighteen persons living on the flooded territories without registration (therefore, deprived the chance to get aid from the state-owned organizations) received donations to the total of RUB 326 173.32.
39 furnaces were procured for inhabitants of Tokma village and their delivery was paid. 
Currently documents are in process for donating another 19 people. 
A detailed report on donations distribution is available at

14.10.2013 The first in this year training session for instructors on HIV-prevention among youth

The first training session for peer instructors on "HIV-prevention among youth" that was organized and held within the project "HIV prevention and expansion of services for people living with HIV in Irkutsk" has been successfully completed.  13 students from the Regional Pedagogical College took part in the training session.
All the trainees successfully completed the course, presented their informational prevention sessions, got certificates and gifts from Irkutsk Branch of RRC - T-shirts and magnets with firm's symbols.
Training of new volunteers from different educational institutions of the city is planned to be started in the nearest time.  

03.10.2013 Fundraising for flood victims at the Far East is continued

Dear Friends, Partners, Well-Doers!
In the course of floods occurred in some areas of the Far East the population of the flooded areas suffered material losses and many families found themselves in difficulties caused by shortage of the livelihood.
Those people need our support!
Donations in the Irkutsk region will be collected in cash. All the money collected will be re-sent to Russian Red Cross where it will be immediately distributed in conformity with the needs of the regions.
Donations can be paid using the following methods:
Sberbank on-line and Sberbank terminals
By money transfer in any bank to the following bank account:
Beneficiary: Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Non-Profit Organization
INN 3808016470ÊÏÏ 381201001
Acc. 40703810318350100728
BIK 042520607
Acc. 30101810900000000607
Baikalsky Bank of RF Sberbank, bank office #8586, Irkutsk City
Using terminals of the Gorod system
Personally in the Irkutsk Branch of RRC (2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9, Kurort Angara bus stop).
When donating, in the appropriate graph please indicate the purpose of donation:  "For flood victims at the Far East".
Report on donations collected will be available at our website.

Telephones for contacts:
Karimova Gulnara: 8 (3952) 382-557
Madaras Alexander: 8 (3952) 381-901 

02.10.2013 Donations for families of those perished in the MI-8 helicopter crash at the north of Irkutsk oblast have been fully distributed

Dear Well-Doers!
We heartily thank you for the help provided to the families and relatives of those perished in the MI-8 helicopter crash at the north of Irkutsk oblast in May. Our collective response made RUB 1,233, 491.71. The money covered the cost of funerals and was donated to the families of those perished.
A detailed report on donations distribution is available at our website

01.10.2013 Distribution of donations among flood victims at the north of Irkutsk oblast

Dear colleagues, friends, well-doers!
We thank you for donating and sympathy!

Together we managed to collect  RUB 2 151 633 .46 for flood victims at the Irkutsk oblast.
Eighteen persons living on the flooded territories without registration (therefore, deprived the chance to get help from the state-owned organizations) received donations to the total of RUB 326 173.32.
In the nearest time the furnaces will be procured for Tokma village inhabitants and donations will be paid to another 19 victims.
A detailed report on donations distribution is available at our website.

30.09.2013 Road to School Action

Dear Friends, Partners, Well-Doers!

We thank everybody responded to Road to School Action.To date nine families have received donations.


In the nearest time the money will be collected from money-boxes in the network of Melodiya Zdoroviya drug stores. Upon termination of donations collection and accounting we plan to buy school stationary and distribute them among needy people. 


27.09.2013 Day of Knowledge in Semitsvetik School

In September the children attending the school of early development Semitsvetik celebrated the Day of Knowledge within the program "HIV Infection Prevention and Support for People Living with HIV in Irkutsk".
A girl named Iriska arrived on the air balloons and invited children to a lovely walk in the autumn forest where they met Hare, Hedgehog and Wolf. Pupils were willingly riddled by animals, played games, danced.
Parents and volunteers of Irkutsk Red Cross Branch together with a psychologist took an active part in the organization and holding the celebrations.
The holiday was crowned by gifts: children received books, copy-books for handwriting, erector sets, balloons. Happy children said 'good-buy' to Iriska and went home. 

09.09.2013 Collection of donations for sufferers at the Far East

In the course of floods occurred in some areas of the Far East the population of the flooded areas suffered material losses and many families found themselves in difficulties caused by shortage of the livelihood.
Russian Red Cross and International Red Cross Community found it impossible not to respond to the disaster and as a response to this emergency situation the Russian Red Cross announced collection of donations for aiding the sufferers. 
Humanitarian aid for the suffered population will be provided during September - October 2013 and includes food parcels, hygiene kits, bedding (blankets and pillows), means for drinking water disinfection.
Priority groups of population include:  lone elderly people, incapacitated persons, large families. Lists of beneficiaries will be generated by the RF Red Cross branches of the appropriate regions of the Far Eastern Federal Okrug (Amursk, Khabarovsk regions, Jewry Autonomous Oblast) together with social support agencies and headquarters for flood response.
Khabarovsk Regional Branch of RRC shall be responsible for active management of humanitarian aid in the Far Eastern Federal Okrug.
Donations in the Irkutsk region will be collected in the money equivalent.
All the money collected will be re-sent to Russian Red Cross where it will be immediately distributed in conformity with the needs of the regions.
Donations can be paid using the following methods:
Sberbank on-line and Sberbank terminals
By money transfer in any bank to the following bank account:
Beneficiary: Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Non-Governmental Organization
“Russian Red Cross”
2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9.  Irkutsk, 664005
INN 3808016470
KPP code 381201001
OGRN  1023800001830
Acc. 40703810318350100728
BIC 042520607
Corr. acc. 30101810900000000607
Baikalsky Bank of RF Sberbank, bank office #8586, Irkutsk City
Personally in the Irkutsk Branch of RRC (2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9, Kurort Angara bus stop).
When donating, in the appropriate graph please indicate the purpose of donation: "For flood sufferers".
Report on donations collected will be available at our website.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us:
Karimova Gulnara: 8 (3952) 382-557
Madaras Alexander: 8 (3952) 381-901  

08.09.2013 Continuation of the Road to School action

Collection of donations for children from large and needy families is continued within the framework of the Road to School action.
We thank all our well-doers, all the participants of the action and our partners: 
  • Reklama City Company who donated RUB 5000.
  • Shest Dvoek Company who donated RUB 3000.    
In order to make a new school year full of knowledge, interesting and joyful and not to lessen the joy by shortage of stationary, clothes and footwear the Irkutsk Regional Branch of RRC extends the Road to School action till the end of September and invites you to participate in it.
Objective of the action:  Assistance in preparing to school for children from large families that occurred in difficult circumstances; for children from single-parent families, for children without parental wardship. Period of the action:  August 12 - September 30, 2013
Methods of participation:
1. In the material form (new stationary, school uniforms and footwear that are to be delivered to the office of Irkutsk Branch of RRC (2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9)).
2. You can make your donation in person at the office of Irkutsk Branch of RRC (2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9).
3. Make donations into money-boxes in the Melodiya Zdoroviya drug stores.
4. In the money equivalent: by transferring the donations with indication of their purpose (Road to School action) to the following bank account:
Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Non-Governmental Organization
“Russian Red Cross”
2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9.  Irkutsk, 664005
INN 3808016470
KPP code 381201001
OGRN  1023800001830
Acc. 40703810318350100728
BIC 042520607
Corr. acc. 30101810900000000607
Baikalsky Bank of RF Sberbank, bank office #8586, Irkutsk City
Purpose of payment: Donation for Road to School action 
Chairperson: Davidyan Sergey Albertovich
5. Using the Qiwi e-purse  
Together we can make children happy.
Hope for your understanding and responsiveness!   

04.09.2013 Collection of donations for flood sufferers at the Far East

In the course of floods occurred in some areas of the Far East the population of the flooded areas suffered material losses and many families found themselves in difficulties caused by shortage of the livelihood.
Russian Red Cross and International Red Cross Community found it impossible not to respond to the disaster and as a response the Russian Red Cross declared collection of donations for aiding the sufferers and appealed to the international Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent Communities for support.
Humanitarian aid for the suffered population will be provided during September - October 2013 and includes food parcels, hygiene kits, bedding (blankets and pillows), means for drinking water disinfection.
Khabarovsk Regional Branch of RRC shall be responsible for active management of humanitarian aid in the Far Eastern Federal Okrug.
Donations in the Irkutsk region are collected in the money equivalent.  All the money will be transferred to Khabarovsk Regional Branch of RRC where it will be immediately distributed in conformity with the needs of the areas.

Donations can be paid using the following ways:
By money transfer in any bank to the following bank account:
Beneficiary: Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Non-Governmental Organization
“Russian Red Cross”
2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9.  Irkutsk, 664005
INN 3808016470
KPP code 381201001
OGRN  1023800001830
Acc. 40703810318350100728
BIC 042520607
Corr. acc. 30101810900000000607
Baikalsky Bank of RF Sberbank, bank office #8586, Irkutsk City
Using Sberbank terminals
Personally in the Irkutsk Branch of RCC (2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9, Kurort Angara bus stop).
When donating, in the appropriate graph please indicate the purpose of donation: "For flood sufferers".
Report on donations collected will be available at our website.

Contact persons:
Karimova Gulnara: 8 (3952) 382-557
Madaras Alexander: 8 (3952) 381-901 

02.09.2013 Continuation of the Road to School action

Fuss and noise of the Day of Knowledge is over and schools opened their doors for thousands of boys and girls many of which made this year their first steps to the World of Knowledge.             
In order to make a new school year full of knowledge, interesting and joyful and not to lessen the joy by shortage of stationary, clothes and footwear the Irkutsk Regional Branch of RRC extends the Road to School action till the end of September and invites you to participate in it.
Objectives of the action: Assistance in preparing to school the children from large families that occurred in difficult circumstances; for children from single-parent families, for children without parental wardship.
Period of the action: August 12 - September 30, 2013
Methods of participation:
1. In the material form (new stationary, school uniforms and footwear that are to be delivered to the office of Irkutsk Branch of RRC (2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9).
2. You can make your donation in person at the office of Irkutsk Branch of RRC (2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9).
3. Make donations into money-boxes in the Melodiya Zdoroviya drug stores.
4. In the money equivalent:  By transferring the donations with indication of their purpose (Road to School action) to the following bank account:
Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Non-Governmental Organization
“Russian Red Cross”
2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Str., 9.  Irkutsk, 664005
INN 3808016470
KPP code 381201001
OGRN  1023800001830
Acc. 40703810318350100728
BIC 042520607
Corr. acc. 30101810900000000607
Baikalsky Bank of RF Sberbank, bank office #8586, Irkutsk City
Purpose of payment: Donation for Road to School action 
Chairperson: Davidyan Sergey Albertovich
Report on the funds collected and distributed will be available at our website
Together we can make children happy. Hope for your understanding and responsiveness! 



01.09.2013 Results of the first stage of the long-term 1000 Money Boxes program

We summed up the first results of the long-term 1000 Money Boxes program that is aimed at collecting the donations from population.
During the first stage of the action (April - August 2013) in the Money Boxes placed in the Melodiya Zdorovia drug stores located to the addresses:   
1. Sofia Perovskaya Str.,  29;
2. Almaznaya Str.,  2a;
3. Baikalskaya Str., 149;
4. Deputatskaya Str.,  89 
5. Sykhe-Bator Str.,  7;
6. R. Lyuksemburg Str., 223a;
7. Leningradskaya Str.,  102;
8. Oktyabrskoy Revoluytsii Str.,  7; 
9. Yubileyny District, 42;         
10. Oktyabrskoy Revoluytsii Str., 5
the response for a three-year old Masha Ruzavina suffering from a rare skin disease (Epidermolysis bullosa or EB) accounted for RUB 15 577.66.
All the donations were handed over to Nataliya Ruzavina, Masha's mother.
We deeply thank everyone who participated in the action for sympathy and response!

The 1000 Money Boxes program is extended and donations are collected within the Road to School action. 



31.07.2013 The program "Care and Support to People Affected by HIV/AIDS" suspends its activity

Dear Clients!
For a number of reasons the activity within the program  "Care and Support to People Affected by HIV/AIDS" including ICC "Steps" and Early Development School classes "Semitsvetik" has been suspended till August, 15.
Information on the activities after August 15 you may get on the phone: 382-557.
With best regards and hope for new meetings,

10.07.2013 “Woman and HIV” International Theory and Practice Conference

On May 29-31, 2013 there was an international theory and practice conference in St. Petersburg, Russia, called “HIV-positive Women and Children: upgrading methods of HIV-prevention, diagnosis and treatment”. The conference was run by the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation. 
The main theme of the conference is extremely topical. It is clear that a sound population policy should be oriented on protection and support to families, women and children. Due to various general and personal reasons, women and children represent the most vulnerable groups. They are very sensitive to adverse effects of political, economical and social instability, and to any problems in the system of public health. It is especially true for HIV-related issues.
More than 700 delegates participated in the conference.
It was attended by heads and leading specialists of major health institutions providing HIV-related services to HIV-positive women and children in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Latvia, by pharmacologists, medical scientists, and representatives of HIV-related NGOs and of PLHIV communities.
The conference brought together heads and representatives of the regional and local branches of the Russian Red Cross (the Tula, Irkutsk, Sochi and Belorechensk of the Krasnodar region branches).
The participants had a wonderful opportunity to share experience, to learn about the latest achievements in HIV prevention and treatment, to study the findings and conclusions of the research works and analytical notes, dedicated to building a more effective system of HIV prevention and to brining forward the quality of care and support services to women and children living with HIV.
The achievements of the Russian Red Cross in providing care and support to people living with HIV were presented by the head of the Technical Support Group of the RRC Resource Center on the third day of the conference at the working session devoted to sharing experience, ideas and information about improving the quality of services provided to HIV-positive women and their families.
The participants have shown great interest in the presentation “NGOperspectives on Woman and HIV: problems and solutions. Experience of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross in providing care and support to people living with HIV”. The presentation covered the actions taken by the Russian Red Cross in HIV prevention. It also contained observations of the RRC specialists working in HIV-related projects. The observations concerning changes in the social portrait of the project clients over the 10 years inspired a lively discussion among the conference participants.
They participants were impressed by the volume of work accomplished by the Russian Red Cross in the area of HIV prevention and palliative care. They have expressed a request for this experience to be described and distributed for replication among the HIV-service NGOs and state institutions.

The working session concluded with adopting a resolution highlighting the importance of joining efforts in order to reach the best possible result.
The conference materials are available at
Keynotes and slides of the presentation “NGO perspectives on Woman and HIV: problems and solutions. Experience of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross in providing care and support to people living with HIV” are available at the website of the Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross.



09.07.2013 Fundraising for people affected by helicopter wreck and the flooding in the north of Irkutsk Region in May, 2013 is complete

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, donors!
We would like to thank everyone who responded to our call for help! 
The donations were distributed according to the payment purpose stated in the payment documents.
Flood response: 1,976,608.46 RUB
Support for the families of the emergency rescuers who died in a MI-8 helicopter crash: 1,196,051.28 RUB
560,184.44 RUB of the collected amount was paid to the state funeral home “Ritual” to cover the cost of the funeral.
The remaining amount will be equally distributed among the families of the rescuers. 
We have received the payments with the total amount of 103,896.28  RUB with undesignated payment purpose. 
We kindly ask the donors to contact us and designate your donation within 1 month, otherwise the Emergency Response Headquarters of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the RRC shall have to use the money as they may in their discretion think fit.

Gulnara Karimova 8(3952) 382-557
Alexander Madaras 8(3952) 381-901  

08.07.2013 Report on fundraising for people affected by helicopter wreck and the flooding in the north of Irkutsk Region in May

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, donors!
We would like to thank everyone who responded to our call for help! 
To date we continue to collect funds for people affected by the major flooding in the north of Irkutsk Region. The receipt of donations will be completed on June 30, 2013.
Fundraising initiative to support the families of the emergency rescuers who died in a MI-8 helicopter crash is complete.
The donations were distributed according to the payment purpose stated in the payment documents.
Flood response: 1,842,207.48 RUB
Support for the families of the emergency rescuers who died in a MI-8 helicopter crash: 1,147,535.78 RUB
560,184.44 RUB of the collected amount was paid to the state funeral home “Ritual” to cover the cost of the funeral. The remaining amount will be equally distributed among the families of the rescuers. 
We have received the payments with the total amount of 96,501.00  with undesignated payment purpose. 
We kindly ask the donors to contact us and designate your donation within 1 month, otherwise the Emergency Response Headquarters of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the RRC shall have to use the money as they may in their discretion think fit.

Gulnara Karimova 8(3952) 382-557
Alexander Madaras 8(3952) 381-901  

17.06.2013 World Blood Donor Day – 14 June

The World Blood Donor Day in Irkutsk was marked by a large blood donation event. The mobile unit of the Irkutsk Blood Donation Station worked at the square near the regional administration building from 9 a.m. till 17 p.m.
The Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross participated in the event by providing souvenirs for the donors. More than 100 people donated blood that day.

17.06.2013 Report on fundraising for those affected by helicopter wreck and the flooding in the north of Irkutsk Region

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, donors!
We would like to thank everyone who responded to our call for help! 
To date we continue to collect funds for those affected by the major flooding in the north of Irkutsk Region.
Fundraising initiative to support the families of the emergency rescuers who died in a MI-8 helicopter crash is complete.
The donations were distributed according to the payment purpose stated in the payment documents.
Flood response: 1,446,627.08 RUB
Support for the families of the emergency rescuers who died in a MI-8 helicopter crash: 1,024,530.78 RUB
621,184.44 RUB of the collected amount was paid to the state funeral home “Ritual” to cover the cost of the funeral. The remaining amount will be equally distributed among the families of the rescuers.  
We have received the payments with the total amount of 97,451.00  with undesignated payment purpose. 
We kindly ask the donors to contact us and designate your donation within 1 month, otherwise the Emergency Response Headquarters of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the RRC shall have to use the money as they may in their discretion think fit.

Gulnara Karimova 8(3952) 382-557
Alexander Madaras 8(3952) 381-901  

06.06.2013 “Give the gift of life: donate blood” Event

June 14 is the Blood Donor Day celebrated in many countries of the world. With the slogan "Give the gift of life: donate blood", this year’s campaign marks the 10th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day.
Irkutsk Regional Blood Donation Station together with the Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross undertake to organize the blood donation charity event with the slogan "Give the gift of life: donate blood". During this event any RF citizen over 18 years old and having the passport along will be able to become a blood donor.
The event will take place on the square near the Irkutsk City Administration. The mobile blood donation unit will be open from 9 a.m. till 17 p.m. 

05.06.2013 End date of fundraising campaign for the family members of the MI-8 helicopter crash victims

Dear friends, colleagues, partners and donors!
The collection of funds to support families affected by the MI-8 helicopter crash will be finished on June 10, 2013.
In case we receive donations designated to this purpose after June 10, 2013, we shall accumulate it in the Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross account and distribute it between the families affected by the MI-8 helicopter crash at the end of each month. 

03.06.2013 Fundraising for those affected by helicopter wreck and the flooding in the North of Irkutsk Region

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, donors!
We deeply thank everyone who responded to our call for help! 
Please note that the report on the funds collected for those who were affected by helicopter wreck and the flooding in the North of Irkutsk Region this May has been posted on our website.
The collected funds were distributed according to the payment purpose as it was stated in the payment documents.
Flooding response: 656,021.20 RUB
To support families of the MI-8 helicopter crash victims: 459,772.36 RUB
Also, we have received the payments with the total amount of 83,801.00 with undesignated payment purpose. 
We kindly ask the donors to contact us and designate your donation within 1 month, otherwise the Emergency Response headquarters of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the RRC shall have to use these money as they may in their discretion think fit.
We continue to accept donations for the purposes mentioned above.


Gulnara Karimova 8(3952) 382-557
Alexander Madaras 8(3952) 381-901  



30.05.2013 Children’s party at “Kotovasiya” play room

 In order to celebrate the May anniversaries (10 years of “Care and Support to People Living with HIV” Program and 150 years of International Red Cross Movement), the family center “Semitsvetik” organized a party for children-clients of the project. 40 children from the early development school were able to come.
Animators prepared 2 different scenarios for 2 age groups, in order to please the younger and the elder children. The elder group went on a “boat trip” together with clowns, were “shipwrecked”, and escaped the “sharks”.  While their younger friends played with a “zebra” and a “hare”, walked in the “forest”, hid from a “fox”, tried to make the zebra laugh and grew carrots for the hare.
At the end of the party each child received a small present. The children had a very good time and enjoyed the party greatly. 

27.05.2013 Fundraising for those affected by helicopter wreck and the flooding in the North of Irkutsk Region

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, donors!
We would like to thank everyone who responded to our call for help! 
Please note that the report on the funds collected for those who were affected by helicopter wreck and the flooding in the North of Irkutsk Region has been posted on our website.
The donations will be spent according to the payment purpose stated in the payment documents.
Flooding response: 274,692.50 RUB

To support families of the MI-8 helicopter crash victims: 125,495.00 RUB

We have received the payments from T.G.Khorokhordina and V.V.Zhigarov with undesignated payment purpose. Please contact us and designate your donations within 3 months, otherwise the Emergency Response headquarters of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the RRC shall have to use these money as they may in their discretion think fit.
We continue to accept donations for the purposes mentioned above.

Gulnara Karimova 8(3952) 382-557
Alexander Madaras 8(3952) 381-901  

27.05.2013 Report on the public awareness event “Everyone Can Save Lives”

On May 24 a blood donation charity event was organized in Irkutsk city center, at the Trud Stadium square. Mobile blood donation unit was working at the square from 9 a.m. to 17 p.m.
“Everyone Can Save Lives” blood donation event was held in order to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the International Red Cross Movement and completed the “Month of Kindness” program of activities scheduled for May, 2013.
In order to attract more public to this event there was a charity concert going on from 14 p.m. till 17 p.m. Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross volunteers organized a quiz on a related topic and  staged up a few comic sketches. “Mine Kaif” youth musical band entertained the audience with their music.
200 people participated in the charity event and 92 of them became blood donors.    

The Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross would like to thank partners and participants of the charity event:
·      Irkutsk State Blood Donation Station;
·      Young Guard (the youth wing of the United Russia Party)
·      The Shaman Power Producing Center
·        Altair team of young teachers
·        Student-volunteers from the Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk Regional Teachers College
·        Mine Kaif Music Band  

22.05.2013 “Everyone Can Save Lives” Blood Donation Charity Event

The Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross in partnership with Irkutsk Blood Donation Station, and the Young Guard (the youth wing of the United Russia Party) undertake to organize “Everyone Can Save Lives” Blood Donation Charity Event, during which any person over 18 years old, RF citizen with a passport can become a blood donor.
The Blood Donation Charity Event will take place on May 24 on the square near the Trud Stadium in Irkutsk. The Mobile Blood Donation Unit will be working there from 9 a.m. till 17 p.m. 

17.05.2013 Irkutsk branch of the Russian Red Cross starts to accept donations to help the community members suffering from the major emergencies that happened in our region this May

Dear friends, colleagues and partners!
This is to announce that the Irkutsk branch of the Russian Red Cross accepts donations to support the people who were affected by the two major emergencies that happened in Irkutsk oblast this May:
  • Mi-8 helicopter crash during a flood response operation to the north of the Irkutsk oblast
  • Severe flooding in Katangsky and Kirensky districts
This is our chance to get together and help our neighbors when they do need it!
To support our relief efforts please make a donation in any of the ways listed below:  
Sberbank online
Money transfer from any bank to the following bank account: 
Beneficiary: Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Non-governmental Organization “Russian Red Cross”
ITN 3808016470
KPP code 380801001
Settlement Acc.: 40703810318350100728
BIC 042520607
Correspondent Acc.: 30101810900000000607
Baikalsky bank of Sberbank of RF, bank office ¹ 8586 Irkutsk
“Gorod” payment terminal
Sberbank ATM
Or you can make your donation in person at the office of the Irkutsk branch of the RRC (2-nd Zheleznodorozhnaya St., 9; “Angara Resort” bus stop)
Please identify the purpose of payment: “in response to the Mi-8 helicopter crash” or “in response to flooding in the north of Irkutsk oblast”.
If you want to make a personalized donation to help someone who suffered from these calamities, please indicate the name of the receiver. 
The full report on the use of the donations will be provided at this website.
RC contact person is Gulnara Karimova, tel. +7 3952 382-557 

02.05.2013 May Holyday Greetings

The first decade of May in Russia is traditionally full of celebrations. It starts with the Day of Spring and Labor and continues with giving honor to the veterans of the World War II. The history of the Russian Red Cross has always been closely interwoven with the history of Russia. This is why the month of May is very special for us at the Red Cross.   
We would like to share our joy with everyone! We congratulate you on the holidays which May has in abundance!
May 1 – The Day of Spring and Labor
May 8 – The International Red Cross/Red Crescent Day
May 9 – World War II Victory Day
May 15 – The Russian Red Cross Foundation Day 
In order to contribute to the celebration of these important dates, we have prepared “The Month of Kindness” Program that will include our traditional events:
May 1 – 15: “Clean Windows” charity event – the Irkutsk Red Cross volunteers visit the World War II veterans with greetings and presents, and help them in spring cleaning of their houses. 
May 15: Press Conference on the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement Anniversary prepared by the Irkutsk Branch of the RRC in cooperation with the PR department of the Irkutsk City Administration
May 18: Children’s party at the “Semitsvetik” Early Development School
May 24: Blood Donation Day under the motto “Everyone can save lives” at the Irkutsk Regional Blood Station

For more details about the charity events of the “Month of Kindness” please call
Gulnara Karimova at 8 (3952) 382557 

30.04.2013 Launch of “1000 Red Cross Money Boxes” Program

In April 2013 the Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross launched the program called “1000 Red Cross Money Boxes”. The aim of this program is to raise public charity donations. To date 10 money boxes were put up at the drug stores of the local chain “Health Melody”.
The money raised from April till July 2013 will be passed on to the 3 year old Masha Ruzavina, suffering from a rare skin disease (Epidermolysis bullosa or EB). Masha needs an expensive operation with a long rehabilitation period.
More information about Masha’s health is available from her mother Natalia Ruzavina by cell phone 8 908 644 6219 
The report on the money use will be available at the Irkutsk Red Cross Branch website  



29.04.2013 News from the Kuytun local Red Cross site

April is the month when the nature wakes up from the winter sleep. And so does the community. Thus, the Red Cross staff and volunteers in Kuytun of the Irkutsk Region participated in several noticeable public events. One of them was the regional seminar “The role of self-government in the development of the region”.
Another event initiated by the Kuytun Red Cross was the charity fair “From Children to Children”. The charity fair raised 10,000 RUB. Stationery, personal hygen goods, and books were purchased and given to the Ust-Kada school children; sports gear (ski equipment, tennis rackets, stop watches, etc) was purchased and presented to the school gym.    

15.04.2013 Annual report for 2012

Dear colleagues and friends!
Please note that the Consolidated Annual Report of the Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross for 2012 is published on our website.  The report includes the update on the charter and program activities of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the RRC and the local organizations in the cities of Bratsk, Kuitun, Nizhneudinsk, Tulun, Shelekhov. 

02.04.2013 “Semitsvetik” Early Development School visits the Baikal Seal Center

Children-clients of the “HIV-prevention and scale up of care and support to people living with HIV in Irkutsk” Program visited the Baikal Seal Center on March, 16.  
The children enjoyed a performance with participation of two seals (in Russian we call them “nerpa”) and received small toy nerpas as souvenirs. All the 18 boys and girls were fascinated by the show and at the same time they learned a lot of facts about these wonderful animals that live only in lake Baikal.

18.03.2013 Training of volunteer instructors on HIV-prevention

«Scale up of Care and Support to People Affected by HIV Epidemic in Irkutsk» Program gives the ground for a wide range of volunteer activities, including trainings.
As of today 30 volunteers were trained under this program. 8 of them joined volunteer team of the Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross very recently. Another regular training session for volunteers on HIV-prevention took place in the Irkutsk office of Red Cross from 13 to 15 of March.
Participants gave a very positive feedback on the work of trainers from the Irkutsk Branch of the RRC. They appreciated the quality of information and the very welcoming atmosphere during the training. 

07.03.2013 Happy Women’s Day!

Dear Ladies!
The Irkutsk branch of the Russian Red Cross congratulates you on this wonderful spring holiday! We wish you blooming health, shiny smiles and sunny days today and always! 

15.02.2013 “Love is a blessing, if it is safe”

Red heart-shaped balloons and colorful posters splashed out into a walking street in Irkutsk city center on St. Valentine’s day of 2013. Volunteers of the Irkutsk branch of the Russian Red Cross were there with gifts, balloons, HIV-related posters, leaflets and brochures on HIV and STI. Due to cold weather, the volunteers spent only one hour there. But they managed to talk to more than 40 people during that hour.
The Red Cross activists approached public with questions on HIV prevention and STI protection methods. All those who gave right answers to the questions received lollipops and leaflets. This event was mostly aimed at the young couples. The volunteers talked to them about health-related issues and gave them heart shaped balloons, Red Cross key rings, and leaflets or brochures. There is a hope that this event will bring home to the young couples some very important concepts of safe behavior. 

13.02.2013 “Love is a blessing, if it is safe”

“Protect yourself! Love is a blessing, if it is safe!” is the name of the event that will take place on February 14 from 15:00 till 16:00 in Uritskogo Street. It is organized by Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross. Please come if you want to know how to protect your health and your love from the dangers of the HIV and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. We will be there with balloons, lollypops and the latest and the most reliable health-saving information!  
Love is a wonderful feeling. Everyone is seeking a loving relationship with someone very special. But love has its own risks related to the sexually transmitted infections. But forewarned is forearmed. There are ways to protect yourself and your partner. Red Cross volunteers will share reliable information about HIV and STI protection methods. 

01.02.2013 Anniversary of “Care and Support to People Living with HIV in Irkutsk” Program

10 years ago, on February 1, 2013 Irkutsk branch of the Russian Red Cross supported by the American Red Cross launched “Care and Support to People Living with HIV in Irkutsk” Program
In ten years, a lot has happened. There have been great achievements, and there have been disappointments. People working for this program faced many obstacles and the lack of understanding from the society, but what is more important, they received a lot of support and gratitude from people affected by HIV. The program team considers the help that they rendered to program clients to be their main achievement.
-        More than 3500 people became the program clients
-        The program specialists gave more than 7000 consultations
-        Children of HIV+ mothers received  about 15 000 food parcels
-        More than 750 children were born with support from program specialists
-        Clients visited Information and Counseling Center “Steps” more than 11 000 times
The core team works in the program from its very beginning. Here are the names of people who made this program a real success: Anna I. Zagainova, Ekaterina V. Dvorak, Anastasia V. Latyshenko, Olga V. Oreshnikova. 
Today we congratulate ALL of you, who participated in the program: former and present time employees, our young and adult clients, partners, donors and volunteers. Thank you for being with us! 

28.01.2013 There is an even simpler way to do good!

Dear friends, colleagues and financial donors!
We have good news for you – there is now a new and a more simple way to financially support the Russian Red Cross!
Back in Autumn 2012 the Irkutsk Branch of the RRC decided to look for easier ways for those who want to make a financial donation to the organization. We signed contracts with three organizations that provide “quick money” services. And now you can use any of the below:

26.01.2013 Employees of the Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross received a Governor’s Award for their many years of work for the society

December 12, 2012 was very eventful. The RRC employees were getting ready to the End of the World according to the Maya calendar and at the same time to the next Plenary Session. The first did not happen at all, while the second brought more than expected.
Anticipation of the New Year holidays made the meeting a bit less serious than usual. The Red Cross active members prepared their annual reports. Holiday greetings were written and champagne was cooling in the buckets. The meeting was interrupted by very pleasant surprise guests: Irkutsk Oblast Governor Representatives brought the Governor’s Award to eight of the Red Cross activists.   
Furthermore, Anna I. Zagainova received a “Golden Heart” award for the many years of hard work for Red Cross and for her significant input into the development of the Irkutsk Branch of the RRC. We are proud of our colleagues, who are dedicated professionals and people of beautiful hearts (as we say in Russian, “golden hearts”) 

30.12.2012 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear Colleagues, Partners, volunteers and all who visit our website!
Irkutsk Branch of RRC here takes a chance to congratulate you on the winter holidays! May You have a lot of professional and personal achievements in the coming year! 

27.12.2012 New Year in Early Development Center

On December 22 there was a New Year party for children in the Early Development Center “Semitsvetik”. Thirty children from 3 to 7 years old came to take part in the celebration and to see a New Year fairytale performance. Father Frost (the Russian Santa Claus), his granddaughter Snegurochka and a merry Clown entertained the children with games, riddles, songs, dances, and poems.
The children were happy to play games with these magic guests. After the games were over, there was time for gifts that the kids received “in exchange” for reciting a poem. Then a beautiful table of sweets and tea was laid for them and their parents. In the end of the day the children were invited to a dance party. And each of them took a picture with the magic heroes to remember the day. 

05.12.2012 “AIDS – four letters – a million lives” awareness event results

The Irkutsk branch of the RRC marked the World AIDS Day by a number of activities. An extensive informational and prevention champagne under the name “AIDS – four letters – a million of lives” started two weeks prior to the World AIDS Day and ended with a lively dance party called “Live. Love. Dance” in a night club “Megalopolis”

Irkutsk Branch of the RRC expresses sincere gratitude to the partners who helped to organize the AIDS champagne. We deeply appreciate the help that came from:
Irkutsk Oblast AIDS Center
“Megalopolis” night club
WEACOM.RU website
«Ìy Ñity’s Ìusic» (“MCM”) Radio, FM 102.1  

23.11.2012 World AIDS Day in Irkutsk

Join Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross to celebrate the World AIDS Day!
The prevention event entitled “AIDS – four letters – a million of lives”, organized by the Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross, will be delivered on November 19th - December 1st.
It is planned to conduct several activities within this time period:
“Weekly Prevention” will be held for 2 weeks by volunteering instructions on November 19th - December 30th.  They will deliver lectures to Irkutsk school children and vocational school students on HIV prevention.
Traditional “Informational Booths” are planned on November 27th – 30th at three universities of Irkutsk: East-Siberian State Academy of Education (November 27th), National Research Irkutsk State Tech University (November 28th), Irkutsk State Linguistic University (November 29th) from 11 a.m. till 2 p.m.
World AIDS Day will be held on December 1st from 11:30 a.m. till 1:00 p.m. in the form of “A Positive Hand Shake” event on Uritskiy Street.  

The prevention event “AIDS – four letters – a million of lives” will be finished with the “Live. Dance. Love” party at “Megapolis” nightclub, which supported the humanitarian initiative. Two-week activities will be wrapped up at the party on December 1st at 11 pm. 



Join us! We are going to keep you posted on the website of Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross at     

The idea of celebrating World AIDS Day was given by the World Health Organization. 140 countries supported it worldwide. This day was celebrated first on December 1st  1988 after the international meeting of health ministers. There was an appeal at the meeting to enact social tolerance and enhance information exchange in regards to HIV/AIDS.

For further information, please, contact
Gulnara Karimova, prevention work coordinator at + 7 (3952) 382-557, 89086464691  



01.11.2012 HIV Prevention Training Courses Targeting Volunteering Instructors

Experts of Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross conducted  two 15-hour training courses for volunteering instructors in HIV prevention within the frame of “HIV Prevention and Scale up of Care and Support to PLHIV in Irkutsk”.
14 students from Irkutsk regional pedagogical vocational school completed the training successfully on October 17-19, 2012 at Irkutsk Regional Pedagogical Vocational School. 
12 students from Irkutsk State Railroad University Medical Nurse School completed the training on October 24-26, 2012.
The trainees evaluated the trainings as useful and informative, which made academic studies more diverse. They participated in the discussions, games, exercises, and presentations very actively.
They have acquired instructor’s skills, and are encouraged to learn how to fill out records keeping forms. After that they are to make a joint plan of actions regarding HIV prevention amongst youth in Irkutsk.  

26.10.2012 Work Meeting Held Within “Regional Health Initiative in Eurasia”

An extended work meeting was held on September 19-22 in Kyiv (Ukraine) targeting Project Coordinators in the area of counteracting HIV epidemic within the frame of the American Red Cross “Regional Health Initiative in Eurasia” Program (hereafter, RHI). The RHI embraces a few projects in HIV prevention and care & support to people affected by HIV epidemic, which are implemented in 13 regional branches of the RC/RC in 5 countries (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Belarus).
It was the first time in the history of the Program’s implementation when 23 people met to address urgent issues; they were Project and National (Country) Coordinators, IFRC/RC staff, and representatives of the AmRC (financial donor). 
The Technical Support Group of the Russian Red Cross Resource Center, which is hosted by Irkutsk Regional branch of the RRC, developed an agenda and other documents for the meeting.   
Goal of the extended work meeting: build capacity of NS staff (project coordinators) in the area of program management, monitoring and evaluation.   
Objectives of the extended work meeting: 
1) Develop project management and M&E systems the way, so they could meet a new logframe and requirements of the IFRC/RC and the AmRC  
2) Provide extra information, educate how to develop M&E plans, records keeping and reporting forms, and complete QPRs.  

The participants received new information, got acquainted with each other, shared ideas and took an active part in four-day-sessions. It was a great opportunity to work together and take decisions. Everybody said they were satisfied with the results of the work meeting and hoped to have them on a regular basis. 


17.09.2012 Getting Acquainted with Volunteers

 On September 13, staffers of Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross conducted a “Getting to Know Each Other Better” training targeting volunteers within the frame of the “Prevention of HIV and Scale up of Care and Support to People Living with HIV in Irkutsk”.

The event was held in the picturesque park located at the “Angara Sanatorium”. 14 students from Irkutsk State Railroad University Medical Nurse School, 18 students from Irkutsk Regional Pedagogical Vocational School and 3 students from Irkutsk State University Law Institute were trained.


The format of the event corresponded to its title “Getting to Know Each Other Better”: exercises were compiled to encourage the participants to meet and get to know each other. The trainees expressed their desires and offers to volunteer for Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross when wrapping up.

All students participated actively in the training; eventually, they made friends with each other and the Red Cross team. Gifts with the logo of the organization were given to the trainees. 


12.09.2012 Opening of a New Season of the Early Development School of the Russian Red Cross

A “Maturation Holiday” was celebrated on September 8th at Irkutsk regional branch of the RRC, which hosts the “HIV Prevention and Scale up of Services to Provide Support to PLHIV in Irkutsk” program.

The “Maturation Holiday” was devoted to the Day of Knowledge and Opening of a New Season of the Early Development School. 25 children participated, who were split in two groups: 11 children aged 2-4 years and 14 children aged 4-6 years.    


The scenario of the holiday was based on the tale about Pinocchio: children “traveled” together with the parents and looked for coins - soldi. The children should work hard to get a coin - they had to do something: dance, draw a picture, solve a quiz or a riddle.   They could buy a Golden Key for the collected “money” from Karabas Barabas and open the door, behind which the treasure (gifts) was hidden. The gifts included table games and handwriting worksheets corresponding to the age of participants. The celebration ended up with the tea party. 


12.09.2012 Report of Krasnodar Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross about Providing Support to Flood Victims in Krasnodar Region

 Krasnodar Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross published a report about providing support to flood victims, including the expenditure of the donated humanitarian relief. For more information click here.

On July 6, 2012, a few sites of Krasnodar region were affected by a huge flood. Krymsk suffered the most. Besides it, 7 more cities (Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik) and villages (Divnomorskoye, Nizhnebakanskaya, Neberdzhayevskaya, and Kabardinka) were covered by the disaster. 171 people died from the disaster. 3,910 people applied for medical aid. According to the information given by the administration of Krasnodar Region, the damage from the disaster exceeded 2 billion rubles in Kuban. According to the data given by the Emercom (as of July 20, 2012), 7,200 households were impounded (4,870 houses in Krymsk). 400 households were damaged completely. As a result of the flood, 34,650 people experienced a complete or partial damage or loss of material assets.

When the information about the disaster was announced, Krasnodar Regional branch of the RRC responded to it in line with the proven disaster response procedure and corresponding instructions of the Russian Red Cross and International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. A special session of the governance board of Krasnodar Regional branch of the RRC was convened to address the issue of providing humanitarian relief to the communities affected by the disaster. Disaster response headquarters staff were selected and voted for at the session of the Board, who are the Board members and the most experienced and competent personnel. E.P. Steshenko, Deputy Chair of the Russian Red Cross in the Southern Federal Region, Chair of Krasnodar Regional branch of the RRC, was elected Chairperson.
The headquarters staff began with the monitoring and analysis of the situation in the areas affected by the disaster (first of all, in Krymsk) and needs and requirements of the  disaster victims on July 7th. 15 volunteers were enrolled and sent to the flooded areas, who talked to the local people and asked to fill in the questionnaires. They also monitored the situation in Krymsk, Neberdzhayevskaya, V.Adaguma, and Nizhneabakanskaya.

The results of the follow-up analysis of filled out questionnaires and recorded interviews let take decisions regarding priority needs. Thus, judging by the survey results, the most required items at that time were (disaggregated by the priority needs percentage wise to the overall number of surveyed individuals):
Bedding, blankets, blankets for children, pillows, towels, matrasses, camp beds – (68%) 4
Household equipment (basins, buckets, spades, pitchforks, wheel barrows, choppers, rakes, tools) – 53%;
Water (for drinking and technical use) – 53%;
Beds and bedding (camp beds, beds, matrasses, blankets) – 40%,
Utensils – 40%;
Household appliances (stoves, microwave ovens, computers, washing machines, refrigerators, gas stoves) – 24%;
Household chemicals (detergents, aids for personal hygiene) – 24%;
Food items – 33%;
Medication and medical equipment (crunches, walking sticks, walking frames/baby walkers) – 17%;
Clothes and footwear (for adults and children) – 11%;
Infant formula, clothes, diapers– 10%.
The surveyed individuals also reported to provide them with lamps to help with the disaster response operations in the dark.

The Chairperson of Krasnodar regional branch of the RRC, Steshenko, besides meeting with the local people, actively participated in the assessment of the situation on flooded areas held by the Emercom and the administration of Krasnodar region and the observation committee to oversight the situation with floods and inform people in disaster-prone areas.

The results of the conducted monitoring, assessment, and analysis of the situation were immediately reported about to the leadership of the Russian Red Cross. The conclusions and recommendations were used to make the general disaster response action plan of the Russian Red Cross.
The decision to post information (appeal) about a donation drive on the RRC website was taken on July 8. The conducted information and promotion campaign resulted in the donation of 872,506,685 rubles which were transferred to the bank account of Krasnodar Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross from legal entities and individuals earmarked as voluntary donations to provide support to flood victims in Krasnodar region in 2012 (as of September 4, 2012).
All disbursements and purchases were made according to the decision undertaken by the governance board of Krasnodar regional branch.
For more information about the disaster response to flood victims on July 6th, you may reach E.P.Steshenko, Chairperson of Krasnodar regional branch of the RRC at (861) 262-50-37, Email:
Detailed information about disaster relief operations will be given later.

Å.P.Steshenko, Deputy Chairperson of the RRC in Southern Federal Region.  
Chairperson of Krasnodar regional branch


30.08.2012 Professional Training to NGOs

Representatives from Red Cross/Red Crescent National Societies from Russia, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, USA, Indonesia, China, and Thailand (total number of 42 people) participated in a training course called “Management of Projects for Professionals” on August 13-16, 2012 in Bangkok, which was conducted by the International Non-government organization «Inside NGO». The training was organized and financed by the American Red Cross. There were two trainees from Russia – the regional coordinator Elena Fedorova and the Technical Support Group Director of the Resource Center for HIV Anna Zagaynova. 

A three-day course of “Management of Projects for Professionals” cycle is the first out of three training stages; each of them is finished with the on-line test.


Main components and tools of planning and project management were considered. The training course contains the most up-to-dated approaches and efficacious methods of project management in the non-profit sector. Besides the theoretical part, participants were offered a lot of practical exercises, which helped better understand and learn the theory. The practical part was based on personal experience; therefore it was more useful for the development of managerial skills. At the end of each day of the training, participants were offered a training test to check the topics under discussion. The final test proved to be rather challenging and unexpected to some extent.

Specialists of the Resource Center of the RRC are planning to adapt and integrate the gained information into training programs related to planning, monitoring, evaluation, reporting, and management to disseminate it among the RRC branches and other RC/RC National Societies.

Anna Zagaynova,

Director of the technical Support Group

RRC Resource Center


29.08.2012 Turn the Tide Together

 XIX International AIDS Conference was held in Washington on July 22-27, 2012.

Such conferences take place in different countries once every two years to unite efforts of various people - scientists, politicians, civil society representatives, PLHIV, high-risk population groups, who are not indifferent to the problems of HIV infection - in the struggle against HIV infection and its negative impacts.
XIX International AIDS Conference gave a possibility to the International Movement of Red Cross to represent its activities in the area of counteracting HIV, find its place in this process, build capacity through sharing experience, gaining new knowledge, and strengthening partnerships. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies traditionally acts as one of the sponsors of the Conference and organizes activities performed by the Red Cross section. 


The logo of the Conference this year was “Turn the tide together”. 17,000 people from different parts of the world worked from early morning till late night for 6 days.  They were active participants of various Conference events: plenary sessions, sessions, master-classes, exhibitions, flash-mobs, marches, meetings, discussions, etc. A lot of attention was paid to scientific and practical issues of the research and study of HIV and non-HIV related diseases. The most urgent and discussed topics were HIV and TB, access to the adequate treatment especially for at-risk population groups, roles and participation of youth in addressing problems related to HIV infection, and, of course, the topic of stigma and discrimination, which remains the most painful and up-to-date despite the efforts undertaken for many years. Elton John spoke very emotionally about it, who came to the Conference to talk to participants to remain human beings – kind and loving, for E. John thinks that it is possible to fight against the epidemic only through love and mercy.   

PLHIV took the most active part in Conference events. Shared experience showed that active life position, personal experience, and knowledge sometimes helped chose the most adequate and efficacious measures in the fight against the epidemic.   

Next Conference is to take place in two years in Melbourne (Australia). Will we be able to say that we can turn the tide together? It depends on all of us.    

Anna Zagaynova, Conference delegate

Director of the technical Support Group RRC Resource Center (Irkutsk Regional branch)



participated in XIX International AIDS Conference


For more information go to www.aids2012  

You can get electronic materials from the Conference (in English) at the Resource Center of the RRC.




28.08.2012 Meeting of the Representatives of RC/RC National Societies in Washington D.C. (USA)

 The International Federation of RC/RC (IFRC/RC) held a two-day meeting on July 20-21, 2012, before XIX International AIDS Conference started, in which 79 IFRC/RC representatives participated. The meeting was held at the Headquarters of the American Red Cross (ARC). Nan Buzard, ARC International Services Department Director, Patrick Couteau, the head of the Global Fund Programs to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria (IFRC/RC) greeted participants.


The topic of the meeting was, without a doubt, Red Cross activities in the area of counteracting HIV/AIDS – lessons learnt, best experience, problem areas, and the strategy of actions. The first day was devoted to the Global Program to fight HIV and the work performed by the Red Cross Global Alliance for HIV/AIDS. Successful and unsuccessful practices were considered; new approaches were presented, etc. 

Director of the Technical Support Group Anna Zagaynova (Irkutsk Regional branch) took part in the meeting. The Resource Center made banners about program activities of the RRC in the area of HIV/AIDS and the Resource Center. The banners were exhibited and presented to the meeting participants on the beginning of the second day during and aroused an active interest. The idea of a resource center itself was very interesting, as there are no resource centers anywhere else.  Many participants mentioned later that the creation of Resource Centers is a way to program sustainability and improvement of service delivery. 


The gained knowledge, skills, and information are planned to be used during the trainings held by the RRC Resource Center and other National Societies and also to develop various methodological and technical manuals.  


09.08.2012 Humanitarian Aid Drive to Help Disaster Victims in Krasnodar Region Update

Dear friends,

We appreciate you for being partial to human beings sufferings and providing support to disaster victims in Krasnodar Region!
As of August 3, 2012, 883,430.74 rubles were transferred to the bank account of Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross; the purpose of payment was marked as: “for disaster victims in Krasnodar Region”. 770,019.74 rubles were transferred to the bank account of Krasnodar Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross.
For more information, please, call 8 (3952) 401-706; 382-557 or 8 (3952) 38-25-57

Contact person: Gulnara Karimova  


06.08.2012 «Prevention of HIV Infection and Scale up of Care and Support to People Living with HIV in Irkutsk»

Dear friends and colleagues,
Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross informs you of the continuation of the program aimed at providing care and support to people affected by HIV infection and scaling up of HIV infection prevention work. This program has been called «Prevention of HIV-infection and Scale up of Care and Support to People Living with HIV in Irkutsk» since July, 2012. 
ICC “Steps” working hours were changed: 
Work with volunteers is to be held from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. on Mondays.
Work with the general public (counseling by the psychologist, children’s psychologist, peer counselor, and visiting nurse; distribution of IEC materials and condoms) is to be held from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. on Tuesdays-Thursdays.
Distribution of infant formula is done on Tuesdays. 
Trainings and peer support group meetings targeting PLHIV/PLWA are to be on Fridays.

For more information, please, feel free to call at the hot line phone number at 200-602; 382-575

01.08.2012 Prevention Event at "Baikal Shaman" Festival

A « SAVE YOURSELF» event, aimed at preventing social diseases, was a part of the legendary “Baikal Shaman” festival, which took place on July 25-29 at the mouth of the Babkha river.  


600 individuals participated in the event, including guests, music bands, and festival organizers. 4,320 prevention and 550 information and education materials were distributed during the event. 


16.07.2012 Humanitarian Aid Drive to Help Disaster Victims in Krasnodar Region Update

Dear friends,

We appreciate you for being partial to human beings sufferings and providing support to disaster victims in Krasnodar Region!

Your donation will help meet the needs of disaster victims in Krasnodar Region. 


579 289,74 rubles have been transferred to the bank account earmarked for disaster victims in Krasnodar Region (documents attached).

182 640,00 rubles collected from July 9-14 were transferred to Krasnodar Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross to provide earmarked post disaster relief operations.

The money to be raised from July 16-21 will be transferred on July 23.

You can either bring cash donations to the Red Cross office (9, 2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Street, Irkutsk) or transfer money to the bank account of Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross. Please, also mark the purpose of payment: “for disaster victims in Krasnodar Region”.

Banking data:

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross.
Office Address: 9, 2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Street, Irkutsk, 664005
F / account 40703810318350100728
Correspondent account 30101810900000000607
Bank Name: Baikal Bank of the RF, OSB ¹ 8586 Irkutsk
BIK 042520607
INN 3808016470 KPP 380801001

Sergey Albertovich Davidyan, Chairperson

Reports on the raised money and purchased goods will be posted on the website.  

For more information, please, call 8 (3952) 401-706; 382-557 or 8 (3952) 38-25-57

Contact person: Gulnara Karimova

Payment documents will be placed to “Humanitarian Aid Drive to Help Disaster Victims in Krasnodar Region” album and regularly updated.


08.07.2012 Response to Disaster Victims in Krasnodar Region

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, and philanthropists,

Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross initiates a fundraising campaign to provide support to flood victims in Krasnodar Region, where 5,185 houses with 26,475 residents were flooded according to the data provided by the Emercom as of July 8, 2012. Power, gas, and water systems were destroyed. 12,071 individuals sustained losses caused by the disaster


Help Is NeededAll these people need your support urgently!


To speed up the process of humanitarian aid delivery as the areas suffered from the disaster are located far from Irkutsk, only cash donations are accepted, which can be transferred to the bank account of Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross. Please, also mark the purpose of payment: “for disaster victims in Krasnodar Region”:

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross.
Office Address: 9, 2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya Street, Irkutsk, 664005
F / account 40703810318350100728 
Correspondent account 30101810900000000607 
Bank Name: Baikal Bank of the RF, OSB ¹ 8586 Irkutsk 
BIK 042520607
INN 3808016470 KPP 380801001 

Sergey Albertovich Davidyan, Chairperson 


24.05.2012 Chairman's Appeal

Dear friends,

By creating this website, we set a goal - to acquaint you with the activities of Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross.

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross has been working in our region for 88 years since 1924. All this time, our organization is committed to the ideas of charity and humanism. The aim of our work is to alleviate the suffering of people in peace and war, the protection of life, health and human dignity. 

Currently, the Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross has built a team of professionals that implement a wide range of programs aimed at providing assistance and support to various groups of people. We invite you to visit all web site pages of Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross and get acquainted with our team, humanitarian projects, ideas, and events. I will be happy if you are interested in this information. We invite you not only to get acquainted with the activities of our organization, but also to take part in it - to become a member of the All-Russian Movement of the Red Cross as a volunteer in one of our activities or financially support people who need help. You can also leave your feedback and suggestions under the heading "F.A.Q."

We are always open for cooperation with various organizations: governmental and commercial organizations, private businesses, federal, regional and local authorities, and civil society organizations. We will be glad to cooperate to promote the ideas of charity and humanism!


Best regards,

Sergey A. Davidyan



23.05.2012 XXX Unscheduled Conference

On May 22, 2012, XXX Unscheduled Conference was held to hear reports and elect a new Chairperson of Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross.

34 people participated in the Conference, including 18 delegates - 11 of them were from the local branches of the RRC and 7 ones from Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross.

The agenda of the Conference was as follows:

1. Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross Annual Report of 2011.  

Each of the Conference participants could say a word and evaluate the work done by Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross as «satisfactory» or «unsatisfactory ». 8 Conference participants shared their opinions. All of them said that the work was «satisfactory».

2. Auditing Committee Report of Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross.

3. The adoption of information about the new edition of the Charter of the Russian Red Cross (registered with the Ministry of Justice on November 11, 2011). 

4. Re-election of a Chairperson of Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross.


Marina Akulova decided to early resign from the position of the Chair of Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross, due to the change of residence (moving to a new location).   She recommended   Davidyan Sergey Albertovich to the position of the Chair of Irkutsk Regional Branch of the RRC, who was also supported by the Russian Red Cross. Delegates and members of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Red Cross elected Sergey A. Davidian Chairman unanimously by open voting. 


16.05.2012 145th Anniversary of the Russian Red Cross

On May 15, 2012, the Russian Red Cross celebrated 145th Anniversary! Being the oldest humanitarian organization in Russia, the Russian Red Cross has been delivering impartial humanitarian activities to protect life, health and human dignity for almost a century and a half. 

"Anyone Can Save Lives" Blood Donation Event was held on May 15 at the square in front of the "Trud" stadium. Anyone who wanted to donate blood was welcome to the blood donation vehicle from 9:30 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.


An entertainment program dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the Russian Red Cross and the social mission of the All-Russian Public Movement "Russian Beauty" was held from 02:00 p.m. to 05:30 for the attendees. Irkutsk branch’s staff and volunteers as well as participants of the "Russian Beauty" contest participated in the event. According to the regional health authorities, more than 250 people donated blood during the event. 


14.05.2012 145th Anniversary of the Russian Red Cross

Dear colleagues and friends,

Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross congratulates all members, veterans, staff, volunteers, and partners on the 145th Anniversary of the Russian Red Cross. 



Our anniversary is another way to express gratitude to all those without whom our work would not have been so large-scale and comprehensive.   

 WE APPRECIALTE out partners!

 WE APPRECIALTE our volunteers - people with golden hearts!

 WE APPRECIALTE our staff and veterans!

 WE APPRECIALTE all indifferent people that find time for good deeds.

 We wish you strong health and successes in all your endeavors! 



14.05.2012 "Clean Windows" Humanitarian event

For each Russian citizen, May is forever connected with the Great Victory over fascism. It is symbolic for the Russian Red Cross, which history is closely intertwined with the history of our country, that there are  two significant dates in May, they are May 8 - The International Red Cross Day and  May 15- Birthday of the Russian Red Cross, which celebrated the 145th anniversary this year. 



12.05.2012 “AIDS – four letters – a million lives” awareness event results

The Irkutsk branch of the RRC marked the World AIDS Day by a number of activities. An extensive informational and prevention champagne under the name “AIDS – four letters – a million of lives” started two weeks prior to the World AIDS Day and ended with a lively dance party called “Live. Love. Dance” in a night club “Megalopolis”

Irkutsk Branch of the RRC expresses sincere gratitude to the partners who helped to organize the AIDS champagne. We deeply appreciate the help that came from:
Irkutsk Oblast AIDS Center
“Megalopolis” night club
WEACOM.RU website
«Ìy Ñity’s Ìusic» (“MCM”) Radio, FM 102.1  

09.05.2012 "Anyone Ñan Save Lives" Blood Donation Event

Dear friends and colleagues, partners and volunteers,  


"Anyone Can Save Lives" Blood Donation Event will be held on May 15 at the square in front of the "Trud" stadium. Anyone who wants to donate blood is welcome to the blood donation vehicle from 9:30 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.


08.05.2012 The World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

Dear colleagues, friends, partners, and volunteers,
The World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day has been celebrated on May 8 every year since 1953.
We heartily congratulate you on the International Day of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and wish the light of kindness and humanity never dries up in the partial hearts!



06.05.2012 ÕÕÕ Conference to Hear Reports and Elect a New Chairperson

Dear colleagues and friends,

On May 22, 2012, it is planned to hold XXX Unscheduled Conference to hear reports and elect a new Chairperson of Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross at 36 a, 1st floor, Dzerzhinskogo St., Irkutsk in Irkutsk Regional Public Chamber Conference Room.



07.04.2012 “Random Acts of Kindness Day: Actions Form Habits” Fundraising Campaign Final Event

On April 5, 2012, the humanitarian aid, collected throughout the “Random Acts of Kindness Day: Actions Form Habits” fundraising campaign, was handed over to Irkutsk Specialized Child Care Center #1.

The “Random Acts of Kindness Day: Actions Form Habits” fundraising campaign was planned and implemented by Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross from February 17th through March 23rd.

Overall, 15 569 rubles 52 copecks were raised throughout the “Random Acts of Kindness Day: Actions Form Habits” fundraising campaign, and then, vitamins and hygienic kits (diapers) for babies of Irkutsk Child Care Center #1 were purchased. Besides, the Visiting Nurse Service of Irkutsk Regional branch also initiated toy drive for the target infants.

Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross expresses gratitude to partners, volunteers, staff, Irkutsk citizens, and the management of “Trading Complex” and “Candy” Malls. 



28.03.2012 “Random Acts of Kindness Day: Actions Form Habits” fundraising campaign

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, and philanthropists,

A final event of the “Random Acts of Kindness Day: Actions Form Habits” fundraising campaign took place on March 23 at "Candy" Mall (36, Partizanskaya St.). Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross volunteers (students of Irkutsk Regional Pedagogical Vocational School and Irkutsk State Railroad University Medical Nurse School), actively participated in the event. "Candy" Mall LTD. donated spaces to host the event.  




27.03.2012 «Tuberculosis Exists!» Information Dissemination Event

Millions of people die from tuberculosis every year all over the world, although efficient treatment for tuberculosis have been made for a few decades. There is an annually run World Tuberculosis Day on March 24 to draw public attention to the fact that tuberculosis remains “killer #1” on the most part of our planet.  Robert Koch was able to discover the bacterium causing tuberculosis (Tubercle Bacilli) in 1882; he announced the discovery on 24 March.  

On the threshold of this date – on March 23, Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross staffers and volunteers (students of Irkutsk State Railroad University Medical Nurse School) held a «Tuberculosis Exists!» Information Dissemination Event, which took place on Irkutsk walking street - Uritskogo street.



20.02.2012 “Random Acts of Kindness Day: Actions Form Habits” fundraising campaign

Dear friends, colleagues, and partners,
Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross initiated an Umbralla “Random Acts of Kindness Day: Actions Form Habits” fundraising campaign starting from February 17th at “Trading Complex” Mall (15, Litvinova  str.). 


18.02.2012 The Advanced Sessions of the Board of Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross

Dear friends, colleagues, and partners,
2012 Plan of Action and 2011 Annual Report  (Click on Reports) was approved of at the Advanced Sessions of  the Board of Irkutsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross. 


17.02.2012 “Random Acts of Kindness Day: Actions Form Habits” fundraising campaign.

Dear friends, colleagues, and partners,

February 17th is a Random Acts of Kindness Day. It is celebrated nationwide despite nationalities, citizenships, and religious affiliations. This day appeals to everyone to be endlessly kind, impartial, and unselfish, which, without any doubt, is in common with the ideas, principles, and activities of Irkutsk Oblast branch of the Russian Red Cross.  


06.02.2012 February 17th is a Random Acts of Kindness Day

February 17th is a Random Acts of Kindness Day.

It is celebrated nationwide despite nationalities, citizenships, and religious affiliations. This day appeals to everyone to be endlessly kind, impartial, and unselfish, which, without any doubt. A first advanced session of the Board is planned to take place on February 17th this year, which will be dedicated to the Random Acts of Kindness Day.


26.01.2012 Employees of the Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross received a Governor’s Award for their many years of work for the society

December 12, 2012 was very eventful. The RRC employees were getting ready to the End of the World according to the Maya calendar and at the same time to the next Plenary Session. The first did not happen at all, while the second brought more than expected.
Anticipation of the New Year holidays made the meeting a bit less serious than usual. The Red Cross active members prepared their annual reports. Holiday greetings were written and champagne was cooling in the buckets. The meeting was interrupted by very pleasant surprise guests: Irkutsk Oblast Governor Representatives brought the Governor’s Award to eight of the Red Cross activists.   
Furthermore, Anna I. Zagainova received a “Golden Heart” award for the many years of hard work for Red Cross and for her significant input into the development of the Irkutsk Branch of the RRC. We are proud of our colleagues, who are dedicated professionals and people of beautiful hearts (as we say in Russian, “golden hearts”) 

26.01.2012 Employees of the Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross received a Governor’s Award for their many years of work for the society

December 12, 2012 was very eventful. The RRC employees were getting ready to the End of the World according to the Maya calendar and at the same time to the next Plenary Session. The first did not happen at all, while the second brought more than expected.
Anticipation of the New Year holidays made the meeting a bit less serious than usual. The Red Cross active members prepared their annual reports. Holiday greetings were written and champagne was cooling in the buckets. The meeting was interrupted by very pleasant surprise guests: Irkutsk Oblast Governor Representatives brought the Governor’s Award to eight of the Red Cross activists.   
Furthermore, Anna I. Zagainova received a “Golden Heart” award for the many years of hard work for Red Cross and for her significant input into the development of the Irkutsk Branch of the RRC. We are proud of our colleagues, who are dedicated professionals and people of beautiful hearts (as we say in Russian, “golden hearts”) 

05.12.2011 «Improvement of Oversight over Antiepidemic Activities, Implemented to Counteract HIV Spread»

An «Improvement of Oversight over Antiepidemic Activities, Implemented to Counteract HIV Spread» coordination meeting took place on December 5th - 8th, 2011 in Suzdal. The organizer was the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).


02.12.2011 International AIDS Day (December 1st)

International AIDS Day (December 1st) was traditionally celebrated by Irkutsk Red Cross staff through conducting various events. Scientific Research Irkutsk State Technical University and Irkutsk Agricultural Academy have participated in the events this year; the latter has opened its doors to Irkutsk Red Cross staff and volunteers for the first time.


28.11.2011 December 1st is an International AIDS Day

December 1st is an International AIDS Day  


01.11.2011 The “Rainbow Flower” Family Center

Since October 29, 2011, the “Rainbow Flower” Family Center has opened its doors after moving to a new office spaces, so now it is located at #9, floor # 2, 2-nd Zheleznodorozhnaya st. 17 children (aged from 1,6 to 7) participated in the festive celebrations devoted to the opening of a new office space, 6 of them were new-comers of the Early Development School. 


31.10.2011 "Scheme" updates

From July till September, 2011, the "Scheme" project numbered 403 injecting drug users, detained and delivered to the specialized Detention Center in Irkutsk, Angarsk, and Bratsk.


29.10.2011 Social Bureau Updates

From April till September 2011, the “Navigator” Social Bureau project numbered 375 people


25.10.2011 ERNA holds its XV General Meeting in Slovenia

From 23 to 26 September 2011, the XV ERNA General Meeting was held in Slovenia, hosted by the Slovenian Red Cross. The theme of the meeting was “Humanitarian Diplomacy, HIV and TB”. Established in Rome in 1998 with the aim of coordinating the sharing of experiences, transfer of best practices and the promotion of collaborative efforts among National Societies of the European region, the European Red Cross Red Crescent Network on HIV, AIDS and TB currently gathers 40 National Societies from Europe.


25.10.2011 The Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast branch and Irkutsk Oblast Center for AIDS and Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control organize and conduct training courses

The Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast branch and Irkutsk Oblast Center for AIDS and Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control organize and conduct training courses to educational institutions of Shelekhov Rayon. Teachers, psychologists, and social teachers take part in training sessions. The goal of them is to train trainers, who will be able to train students to conduct training courses on HIV, targeting at peers. 6 training sessions are planned to cover 100 participants.


24.10.2011 RRC Bratsk Local Branch Update

RRC Bratsk Local Branch Update


20.10.2011 The All-Russian Contest of NGO Annual Reports “Starting Point”

The Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast branch participated in the all-Russian contest of NGO annual reports “Starting point”. The all-Russian contest of NGO annual reports “Starting point” is conducted by the Commission of the Public Chamber RF on the development of charities and volunteering in partnership with the “Forum of Donors”, St. Petersburg “NGO Development Center” and “Agency for Social Information”.


19.10.2011 Service Delivery to New Families Irkutsk Fair

On October 19th -21st, a Service Delivery to New Families Irkutsk Fair was held at universities to strengthen a family and build family values among youth. One of the objectives was to raise youth’s awareness of service delivery organizations targeting at new families and youth that are prepared to get married.


18.10.2011 International Forum “MDG6 in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Moscow, October 10-12, 2011

International Forum “MDG6 in Eastern Europe and Central Asia” finished, which was held in Moscow and devoted to the issues of combating infectious diseases in the region. Marina Akulova, a Russian Red Cross Board member, participated in it.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, greeting International Forum participants, said: «People’s health has always been a key asset in any country. Economic and social development both at the national level and worldwide depends on how successfully key public health issues are addressed, such as combating HIV\AIDS and other dangerous infectious diseases… HIV\AIDS pandemic is the most serious threat to people’s lives and communities’ development. The problem is urgent not only for Asia and Africa, but also for European countries. Disease prevalence rates, which have been recently fixed in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, are of the highest… In the recent decade, Russia has been undertaking considerable efforts to counteract HIV\AIDS at national and international levels, being a member of G8, G20 and an international donor. Public Health was one of the G8 priorities when Russia held the chair in 2006. Combating infectious diseases, especially HIV\AIDS, was defined as one of the priorities in “The Concept of Russia's Participation in International Development Assistance” approved by the President of the Russian Federation”.


10.10.2011 Visit to Russian Red Cross Hospital in Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)

In September, Russian and Ethiopian personnel of the Russian Red Cross hospital in Addis Ababa celebrated 3 great events – Ethiopian New Year, Meskel (Cross) Day and the 64-th Anniversary of the Russian Red Cross hospital. Marina Akulova, the Russian Red Cross Board member participated in festive events, who also visited the hospital to train nurses on the issues of counseling and building adherence of PLHIV to the ART.
The Russian Red Cross hospital in Addis Ababa, named in honor of the national Hero of Ethiopia Dedjazmach Balcha, has become a real legend for many years of its mission and pride of the Russian Red Cross and a remote island of the Motherland on the African continent.


07.10.2011 An annual “Sibzdravookhranenye. Dentistry -2011” exhibition took place at Irkutsk Exhibition “Sibexpocenter”, Irkutsk Exhibition “Sibexpocenter”.

An annual “Sibzdravookhranenye. Dentistry -2011” exhibition took place at Irkutsk Exhibition “Sibexpocenter”, Irkutsk Exhibition “Sibexpocenter”, in which RRC Irkutsk Oblast branch specialists and volunteers actively participated. The exhibitors were municipal policlinics and hospitals, dispensaries, pharmacies and businesses, which address the public health issues.


12.09.2011 Help is Wanted!

Red Cross needs a helping hand of volunteers to collect and pack humanitarian aid (within the scope of the four-party agreement among the Emercom of Russia in Irkutsk Oblast, Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Red Cross, Irkutsk Regional Branch of the All-Russian Firefighting Society, Irkutsk Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church). The draft agreement implies the collaboration of the parties to collect, store, and distribute clothes and first necessity food, which can be vital to the vulnerable people affected by a disaster and left without shelter.
For more information, call up Gulnara Karimova at +7 (3952)401-706


06.09.2011 Red Cross announces continuation of work in Irkutsk city and oblast!

Red Cross announces continuation of work in Irkutsk city and oblast!
Our new address is 2nd floor, 9, 2nd Zheleznodorozhaya str., Irkutsk, 664005. You are very welcome to visit us Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
For more information about our services, click here, or call at the hotline support number at 3952 38-25-75.
Take care!
Best regards,
The site administrator


05.09.2011 For those who live active and healthy lifestyles and like dancing. Kirov Square will turn into a large dance floor. Dance everybody!

The program of the event contained performances of dancing groups, games, flash mobs, dance contests, and a lot of music. All of the styles and trends could be seen there. Famous dancing groups and schools presented their new dances. Specialists from the AIDS Center and Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Red Cross also participated in the event. They suggested taking an anonymous HIV test, improving the level of awareness of the problem, and getting prevention EIC materials.


29.08.2011 “No Illegal Drugs!”

On August 23rd, specialists from youth politics, physical culture and sports departments of Irkutsk Oblast authorities, Irkutsk Oblast AIDS Center, Russian Red Cross\Irkutsk Oblast Branch participated in the Federal-level anti-drug campaign, which took place in Irkutsk under the motto of “No Illegal Drugs!” The event took place in the “Labor” Stadium from 5 p.m. until 11 p.m. Despite the dull weather, there were a lot of people, who were not indifferent to the problem.
Russian Red Cross\Irkutsk Oblast Branch staff disseminated information on prevention – leaflets on general information on HIV, because drug addiction and drug addiction are always very closely connected. They also gave out informative and developing bookmarks, offered to take an express HIV anti-body test (there was an AIDS Center mobile unit working right at the stadium). RRC specialists also answered questions and counseled attendees on the issues related to HIV-infection


09.08.2011 To the President of the Norwegian Red Cross Mr. Sven Mollekleiv

Dear Mr. President,

The Russian Red Cross is deeply shocked by the appalling terror, committed in Oslo and at Utøya youth camp. We express our deepest sympathy to all those directly affected, their relatives, and the Norwegian Nation. Such a barbarian terror against the Nation will never be justified and be point-blankly condemned by the world-wide humanitarian community. The Russian Red Cross also expresses its sincere solidarity to members and volunteers of the Norwegian Red Cross, who are currently undertaking their mission of supporting all of the victims.
Best regards,

Raissa Lukutsova
Chairlady of the Russian Red CrossDue to a terrible terror, happened in Oslo, Norway and at Utøya youth camp, Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross is launching a fundraising campaign to help the victims and their relatives.
We express our deepest sympathy to all those directly affected, their relatives, and the Norwegian Nation. Such a barbarian terror against the Nation will be never justified and be point-blankly condemned by the world-wide humanitarian community. The Russian Red Cross also expresses its sincere solidarity to members and volunteers of the Norwegian Red Cross, who are currently undertaking their mission of supporting all of the victims. 
All of the raised money will be transferred to the Norwegian Red Cross and targeted to help the affected and their families. 
Please, transfer your donations to the Russian Red Cross bank account. In “Payment purpose description” line one should write “for Norway terror victims and their families”.
Bank details:

INN 7728014523
KPP 772801001
Correspondent account 40703810000000338003
Beneficiary: CB “LOCKO-Bank” Ltd.
Correspondent account 30101810500000000161
BIK 044585161



02.08.2011 Trainings…Trainings? Trainings!

Dear citizens of Irkutsk! Leaders of organizations and enterprisers! Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Red Cross expresses its highest respect and asks your support in conducting training sessions to your staff in socially significant disease prevention, including HIV-infection, tuberculosis, and hepatitis.
The fact is that employed adults are currently highly vulnerable to the HIV infection.
According to the Irkutsk Oblast AIDS and Infectious Disease Center, as of July 1, 2011, there were more than 33 000 HIV-positive oblast residents registered. Most of them are working age people, i.e. 20-40 years old. Sexual mode of transmission prevails (71% have been infected for 5 months in 2011). The epidemic is spreading due to the lack of public awareness of HIV infection and safe behavior issues, risky behavior practices, and the absence of prevention information dissemination campaigns among this group of people.
Trained Red Cross specialists offer free information dissemination trainings, which last from 40 minutes to 1,5 hours and can be held at your place. Informational materials are distributed.


08.05.2011 As for each Russian, May is forever connected with a Great Victory Day of Fighting against Fascists

As for each Russian, May is forever connected with a Great Victory Day of Fighting against Fascists. It is also symbolic that the Russian Red Cross, which history is closely connected with the history of our Motherland, is famous for such crucial dates as May15th –Birthday of the Russian Red Cross and May 8th- International Red Cross Day!


18.04.2011 On May 12th, A Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Branch Next Report-and-election Conference Is Planned To Take Place!

Dear friends, colleagues, and RC members,
On May 12th, a Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast Branch Next Report-and-election Conference is planned to take place! You are welcome to participate, take a speech, express your opinion on the work of the Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast Branch, and contribute your ideas on how to improve its work.
It is planned to listen to the report, elect new Board members, and a Chairperson. We encourage you to suggest candidates for Board members, and a Chairperson of the Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast Branch.


14.04.2011 Fundraising Campaign to Support Disaster Victims in Japan Update

After the tragedy caused by the huge earthquake, which left a vast trail of thousands of dead and wounded people and an enormous devastation, the Russian Red Cross initiated a fundraising campaign to support disaster victims in Japan.
On March 14th , 2011, RF Sberbank joined the campaign, which posted a fundraising appeal on its official site. The Russian Red Cross banking data were given there as well.
From March 15th to April 11th , more than 2800 people contributed to raise more than 11 580 000,00 rubles; enterprises and organizations contributed 25 370 000,00 rubles. The total sum of raised money was more than 36 950 065,00 rubles.


06.04.2011 Guest Visit of the United Nations Population Fund /UNFPA representatives to Irkutsk

On April 11-12, the United Nations Population Fund /UNFPA representatives are planning to visit Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross. On April 11, at 4 p.m., a “Partnership Component As A Necessary Condition To Perform Effective Complex Support To Women of Unsafe Behavior That Put Them At HIV and STIs Risk” Panel Discussion is planned to take place.
The site of the event is Irkutsk Oblast Public Chamber at 36à, Dzerzhinskogo str., Irkutsk.
All partnership organizations, mass media, and interested people are welcome. 

Nina Vasilyeva,
PR Coordinator
Contact phone: 8 (3952) 40-12-42
Mobile: 89025787937


05.04.2011 Double checked banking data for responding people affected by the disaster in Japan

Russian Red Cross has expressed most heartfelt and sincere condolences to the Japanese Red Cross and to all Japanese people after a huge earthquake struck on March 11th, 2011, triggering massive tsunami and leaving a vast trail of death and destruction.
The tragedy scale makes us all unite our efforts to support people affected by the disaster. Following the Russian Red Cross Mission and due to the current humanitarian crisis in Japan, Russian Red Cross has initiated a fundraising campaign to support disaster victims in Japan.
To make it quick, please, transfer donations directly to the bank account of the Primorye Kray branch of the Russian Red Cross, its banking data are given below.
All of the raised money will be transferred to the Japanese Red Cross and spent to provide aid to disaster victims only.
BANKING TRANSFER RECEPIENT: Primorye Kray Branch of the Russian Red Cross
PAYMENT PURPOSE DESCRIPTION: disaster response to people in Japan who suffered from the consequences of the earthquake and tsunami on March 11th, 2011.
INN 2540012420/254001001
F / account 40703810150260054227
Primorskoye OSB ¹8635 in Vladivostok
BIK 040507601
CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT 30101810800000000601
Due to the tragic events in Japan, the Russian Red Cross announces of the hotline support:
Please, feel free to call from 9-00 a.m. till 6 p.m.


24.03.2011 Get X-rayed –Stop Tuberculosis!

The Irkutsk Oblast Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare conducts a month’s campaign of fighting against Tuberculosis (TB) in March and April. Free photofluorographic surveys are planned to be held.
Here you can find a schedule of portable photofluorographic x-ray machines located in Irkutsk.
The Irkutsk Oblast Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare reminds you that the sooner Tuberculosis is diagnosed, the more efficient treatment result is. What prevention steps can be taken?
1. Get vaccinated against TB. It is done during first 3 – 7 days of an infant’s life if there are no contraindications. Children of 7 and 14 years old are revaccinated if they have a negative Mantoux and have no contraindications.



23.03.2011 to IFRC\RC President

Dear Mr. President,
Please, accept our most heartfelt and sincere condolences for the tragedy caused by the huge earthquake, which left a vast trail of dead and wounded people.
The Russian Red Cross is expressing solidarity to the whole Japanese Nation and has started a fundraising campaign to support people affected by the disaster in Japan.
We hope that the Federation can play a consolidating part as usual in these tragic circumstances, and all National Societies will unite efforts to help the Japanese Red Cross and the whole Nation.
Let us hope and believe that Japan and its people will soon be able to overcome the tragedy and return to their normal life.
Yours sincerely,

Russian Red Cross Chair lady
R.T. Lukutsova


To Russian Red Cross Chair lady 
R.T. Lukutsova 
March 17, 2011 

Dear Raissa Timofeevna, 
Dear friend, 
I appreciate you for the letter expressing your condolences. 
Since World War II, Japan has been in the most terrible crisis and shrouded by the large-scale tragedy. Japanese Red Cross members and volunteers act together with governmental and nongovernmental organizations following humanitarian ideas. I can highly estimate all of those who have contributed their efforts to rescue disaster victims.
I highly appreciate your offer to help in this terrible time. My National Society through the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC\RC) considers all possibilities to efficiently use International Relief. As soon as we take a decision, we will inform you of it.
Thank you for watching over what is going on. The IFRC\RC Secretary, General Bekele, will soon inform National Societies (NSs) of the latest news.
Our family of Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies has shown that we are like real brothers and sisters, and when it is needed, we come to the rescue of each other in a spirit of mutual readiness to help. I appreciate your charity, thoughts, and support. 
Yours sincerely, 
Tadateru Konoe,
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies President


21.03.2011 Response to Japan Disaster

Russian Red Cross has expressed the deepest and the most sincere condolences to the Japanese Red Cross and to all Japanese people after a huge earthquake struck on March 11th, 2011, triggering massive tsunami and leaving a vast trail of death and destruction.
The tragedy scale makes us all unite our efforts to support people affected by the disaster. Following the Russian Red Cross Mission and due to the current humanitarian crisis in Japan, Russian Red Cross has initiated a fundraising campaign to support disaster victims in Japan.
To make it quick, please, transfer donations directly to the bank account of the Primorye Kray branch of the Russian Red Cross, its banking data are given below.
All of the raised money will be transferred to the Japanese Red Cross and spent to provide aid to disaster victims only.
INN 2540012420/254001001
Correspondent account 40703810150260054227
Primorskoye OSB ¹8635 in Vladivostok
BIK 040507601


18.03.2011 New location

Dear colleagues,
Please, pay attention to that fact that we have changed office address of Irkutsk Oblast branch of the Russian Red Cross!
Now we are located at 2nd floor, 9, 2-nd Zheleznodorozhnaya street, 664005, Irkutsk at “Angara” Health resort bus stop.
Our previous address at 39, Karl Marx street, Irkutsk has not been valid any more. Please, post express-mail and any other kinds of delivery at our new address.
Our mailing address is the same: mailing box 152, Irkutsk, 664011, Irkutsk. Please, contact us at (3952) 401 242, (3952) 401 706 until we announce that our previous phone numbers work.


18.03.2011 On May 12th, A Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Branch Next Report-and-election Conference Is Planned To Take Place!

Dear friends, colleagues, and RC members,
On May 12th, a Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast Branch Next Report-and-election Conference is planned to take place! You are welcome to participate, take a speech, express your opinion on the work of the Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast Branch, and contribute your ideas on how to improve its work.
It is planned to listen to the report, elect new Board members, and a Chairperson. We encourage you to suggest candidates for Board members, and a Chairperson of the Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast Branch.


16.03.2011 March 24 – World Tuberculosis Day

In 2011, there have been 100 years since “White Flower of Life” Event started to be held in Russia. The symbol of the event – a White Chamomile - has become a symbol of fighting with Tuberculosis (TB). Russian Red Cross has always been and still remains one of the most active and consistent founders and participants of the “White Flower of Life” or “White Chamomile” Event.
One of the traditional activities of the Event, under the initiative of RRC, has become All-Russian Children’s Drawing and Painting Contest devoted to World Tuberculosis Day on March 24th.



11.03.2011 Epidemiological situation on HIV-infection in Irkutsk Oblast

According to the data collected by Irkutsk Oblast Center for AIDS and Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control 

There are 26 971 registered cases of HIV-infection among Irkutsk Oblast residents (1077,7 cases per 100,000 people, which was 2,1 times more than the average Siberian level of HIV-infection prevalence rate).
In 2010, Irkutsk Oblast, 2 808 HIV-infection cases were registered in Irkutsk Oblast, including 32 people- residents of other RF regions. 360 cases of HIV-infection were reported about by Irkutsk Oblast penitentiaries. In 2010, the number of registered cases of HIV-infection among Irkutsk Oblast residents was 2744 people, whereas in 2009, it was 2 926). Therefore the decreasing morbidity rate was 6,2 %.



22.02.2011 «Dating Party»! Post-release of the Event!

The idea on how to conduct a «Dating Party» for people living with HIV came to us at one of the coordination meetings when we were preparing for the “Love is Beautiful, If It Is Safe!” Event within the scope of the “Care and Support Program…”, which we were planning to hold in the run-up to February 14th. It was when the idea struck us to amuse our HIV-positive clients and to organize an event for them.
The date of February 18th was chosen; and now we were facing a stage of a through preparation to the event, as we did not have much time! It was necessary that we design a detailed script of the event, choose prizes, post an advertisement of the event, and invite guests! Anyway, the responsibilities were distributed, and our work began! Someone was in charge of decorating office at 2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya, cut out paper hearts and stars, and ornament the reception hall with balloons and garlends.


15.02.2011 New photo album

Dear friends! Photos, taken at the “Love is Beautiful, If It Is Safe!” Event, which took place at Irkutsk State Linguistic University and Baikal State University of Economics and Law, have been added to the Photo Gallery!


10.02.2011 «Dating Party»!

Dear clients of ICC “Steps”! A ”Dating Party” is to take place on February 18th at 6.00 p.m.! It is an invitation party only. The invitation cards can be obtained by the counselors! For more information, call at 8 (3952) 200-602.


02.02.2011 Racing Car: Safe Trip All Over the World

A “Racing Car: Safe Trip All Over the World” computer game is a multimedia game on HIV\AIDS prevention. A gamer can both obtain true information on AIDS prevention and take a trip to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
A gamer has an opportunity of travelling to 5 continents and take a virtual trip to a few UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The program also gives you interesting facts while you are driving on a race track.


27.01.2011 Russian Red Cross Decidedly Condemns Terrorist Attacks!

Russian Red Cross Decidedly Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Moscow Domodedovo Airport, which resulted in the death of 35 civilians; 100 people were wounded. We also express our deepest condolences and sympathy to the members of the families and all of the injured people.
Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross is launching a fundraising campaign to help victims of the terrorist attacks and families of those people who were killed.


14.01.2011 Dear citizens of Irkutsk Oblast!

Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Red Cross thanks those people who donated to the implementation of the ”Right To Health” humanitarian project. We managed to collect 55 thousand rubles, which will be used to the socialization of women who are released from prison.


14.01.2011 Expenditure Report of Ryazan Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross

Ryazan Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross appreciates Irkutsk Oblast branch of the Russian Red Cross in the name of Marina Vitalyevna Akulova and Sergey Nickolayevich Skvortsov for the financial support in the amount of 250 thousand rubles to the citizens of Ryazan Oblast who suffered from wild fires in August-September, 2010.


02.01.2011 Love is Beautiful, If It Is Safe!

On February 11, on the Eve of Saint Valentine's Day, Irkutsk Oblast branch of the Russian Red Cross in collaboration with the Active Youth Center and Oblast Governmental Health Institution Dispensary of Dermatovenerology are going to hold a “Love is Beautiful, If It Is Safe!” Event at two universities of Irkutsk: Irkutsk State Linguistic University and Baikal State University of Economics and Law. Students will be asked to continue a phrase «Love Is…», pledge faith and love to their partners, sign a comic “Marital Agreement”, solve a crossword puzzle on the topics of “HIV-infection” and “Reproductive Health”, and take a facetious exam on HIV infection, sexually transmitted infections and tuberculosis.


17.12.2010 On December 5-7, 2010, «Expanded Care & Support for People Affected by HIV» program team had a retreat in Kiev

On December 5-7, 2010, «Expanded Care & Support for People Affected by HIV» program team had a retreat in Kiev, in which representatives of the American Red Cross, regional program representatives in Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, and Irkutsk Oblast branch of the Russian Red Cross Resource Center, A. Zagainova and A. Latyshenko, participated.



10.12.2010 «Right to Health» Humanitarian Photo Project Inauguration

On December 9th, 2010, a ceremonial presentation of «Right to Health» Humanitarian Photo Project took place. The heroes of the project were women that were serving their terms at Irkutsk Oblast penitentiaries. Irkutsk Oblast branch of the Russian Red Cross initiated the event. The author of works was a famous Irkutsk photo artist Mark Rybak.
«The idea came to my mind 40 days ago, and today one can see its implementation. The project results are evident. It is pleasant to notice that the project has drawn a wide response, and it is just the beginning», said the project coordinator, Michael Ushakov, an intern of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
The event was devoted to Human Rights Day, which is annually celebrated on December 10th. The goal of the photo project was to attract attention of Irkutsk Oblast and Irkutsk city local authorities, businesses, and general public to the issue of regular prevention necessity at Irkutsk Oblast penitentiaries and socialization of women-ex-prisoners.


07.12.2010 December 1 in Bratsk

On December 1, Bratsk local branch of the Russian Red Cross (RRC\B) held an event at the Central Market. Within its framework, there were counseling sessions on HIV infection prevention and testing for HIV. After lunch, RRC\B PARTICIPATED IN “For Healthy Life Style” CITY EVENT AT THE DEPARTMENT OF YOUTH AFFAIRS. At the same time, there was an on-going training session on “Primary HIV Prevention” at Bratsk State University.


06.12.2010 Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day

December 9, 2010 there will be a ceremonial presentation of the charity photo project "The right to health". The author of works is well-known Irkutsk photographer Mark Fisher.


03.12.2010 Expenditure Report of Nizhegorodsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross as of 03.12.2010

Nizhegorodsk Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross informs you that 250,000.00 rubles donated to help victims of the wild fires were included in the general budget and used to respond to the needs of the victims of the wild fires in Nizhegorodsk Oblast from August till December, 2010.
During this period of time, quote rates of 10 trading companies were got, suppliers were selected, and foodstuffs of first necessity (food parcels, utensils, hygienic kits, and bedding) were purchased.


01.12.2010 World AIDS Day!

Today, on December 1st, Red Cross specialists and volunteers held information dissemination tents, contests, and presentations at Irkutsk State Linguistic University and Baikal State University of Economics and Law. Moreover, through the support of the Active Youth Center, “Know. Support. Join” event was carried out downtown Irkutsk, on Uritskogo street! Go to the photo gallery to see the photos of the events!


30.11.2010 Know, Support, and Join – Irkutsk Citizens Are against HIV\AIDS

On December 1, World AIDS Day events are to take place under this slogan in Priangarye. Our reporter has learned who struggles against HIV everyday.

In Red Cross office, you can hear hot line calls every hour. Ekaterina, the psychologist, sometimes delivers up to 10 counseling session a day. In 80% of cases, women need help. Age groups are very diverse: from 16 to 55. Ekaterina says that her work is very tense and responsible, for she often becomes the first person whom HIV positive people disclose their HIV status.



23.11.2010 December 1 - World AIDS Day

December 1 - World AIDS Day

First they started to celebrate this date on December 1, 1998 after one meeting of health ministers of all countries during which there was a call for social tolerance and the exchange of information on HIV / AIDS. This year December, 1 is held under the motto
"I know. I support. I join "



19.11.2010 Presentation of the charity photo project "The right to health"

December 9, 2010 there will be a ceremonial presentation of the charity photo project "The right to health". The author of works is well-known Irkutsk photographer Mark Fisher.
"The purpose of the photo project is to attract the attention of the Administration of Irkutsk Region and Irkutsk, businesses and the general public to the need of regular preventive work in the penal colonies of the Irkutsk region and of the socialization of women released from prison", - said Mikhail Ushakov, a project coordinator.
Place: SKDTS "Hudozhestvennyi", Karl Marx Street, 24


19.11.2010 «Right to Health» Humanitarian Photo Project Presentation

On December 9th, 2010, a ceremonial presentation of «Right to Health» Humanitarian Photo Project is to take place. The author of works is a famous Irkutsk photo artist Mark Rybak.
«The goal of the photo project is to attract attention of Irkutsk Oblast and Irkutsk city local authorities, businesses, and general public to the issue of regular prevention necessity at Irkutsk Oblast penitentiaries and socialization of women-ex-prisoners», says Michael Ushakhov, the project coordinator.
Site: “Khudozhestvenniy” (“Arts”) Leisure Center for Students, Karla Marxa str., 24


09.11.2010 One More Contest!

«Euro Asia» Foundation supported by «Interfax» Information agency is announcing a second annual contest held among print and Internet media on the best coverage of urgent social issues in Russia.


02.11.2010 Our new leaflet!

Specialists of Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Red Cross have designed a new leaflet, targeted at HIV-positive women.


19.10.2010 A new component of «Expanded Care & Support for People Affected by HIV in Irkutsk» Program

A new component – “Supervised Treatment for People with Combined TB+HIV Infections”- was added to the «Expanded Care & Support for People Affected by HIV in Irkutsk» Program in July, 2010.
A position of a palliative nurse was introduced for the purpose of providing Supervised TB Treatment, who is in charge of providing daily visits to patients in home-based settings, supervised treatment with TB medications, distributing food parcels to increase body resistance, counseling clients, and following prescriptions of the physician. 



22.09.2010 «HIV Infection Prevention Programs among the Most Vulnerable Groups: Experience, Resources, and Information» International Working Meeting

On September 28, 2010, an «HIV Infection Prevention Programs among the Most Vulnerable Groups: Experience, Resources, and Information» International Working Meeting is planned to be held at 11.00 a.m. The meeting is devoted to the results of prevention programs among injecting drug users, sex workers, and ex-prisoners.
Participants of the meeting are supposed to be representatives of the local authorities, non-profit organizations, health care institutions, penitentiaries, as well as international organizations, which support the programs. They are the United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and the AIDS Foundation “East-West”.


14.09.2010 Volunteer Meeting

Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Red Cross announces a volunteer meeting!


02.09.2010 Russian National Contest on best HIV\AIDS reports has been announced!

To promote and implement non-discrimination mass media coverage of HIV\AIDS issues, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) and Informational Center of the RUJ with the support of the UNAIDS (The Joint United Nations Program on HIV\AIDS) encourage you to take part in the Russian National Contest on best HIV\AIDS reports.


27.08.2010 Two articles have been published on the “Patient’s School” project!

Two articles have been published on the “Patient’s School” project!
We really appreciate the journalists – Alexandra Poblinkova and Ekaterina Mitrofanova!


23.08.2010 The Russian Red Cross is thankful to those people who responded to the disaster and donated to the victims of the wild fires!

Dear citizens of Irkutsk oblast!
The Russian Red Cross is thankful to those people who responded to the disaster and donated to the victims of the wild fires! The donated money is transferred to the bank accounts of the Russian Red Cross local branches that work in the territories, most affected by the wild fires, and is given to the disaster victims and families of those people who died in the disaster.


17.08.2010 Vote for Irkutsk Red Cross!

Vote for Irkutsk Red Cross!
Dear colleagues! Citizens of Irkutsk oblast! There is an on-line poll in the frame of Russian National “Healthy Russia” project contest


05.08.2010 Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross is launching a fundraising campaign to help victims of wild fires.

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross is launching a fundraising campaign to help victims of wild fires. These people have lost homes.


22.07.2010 Irkutsk Oblast Brunch of the Russian Red Cross news

On July 13-18 the final training of the 1st series for trainers, who work with injection drug users in the sphere of HIV prevention, took place. The training participants were Irkutsk Oblast rehabilitation center staff, coming from different parts of the Oblast – from Bratsk rayon to Sayansk city.


21.07.2010 Bratsk local branch of the Russian Red Cross took part in information dissemination program in youth recreational camps in July

Bratsk local branch of the Russian Red Cross (RRC\B) in collaboration with Reproductive Health Center took part in the information dissemination program in youth recreational camps in July.


21.07.2010 All good actions are welcome! campaign launch

“All good actions are welcome!” campaign is starting on August 1, aiming at providing humanitarian aid to families with many children and low-income ones in Bratsk city. It was initiated by Bratsk local branch of the Russian Red Cross.


14.07.2010 To implement a long-term “Youth of Irkutsk Region 2011-2013” program, the regional government authorities are planning to give 135 million ruble subsidy

Deputy Minister of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, Igor Ivanov, reported about it at the public hearings on Tuesday.


08.07.2010 The latest news on the projects of Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross

On July 13-18 the final training of the 1st series for various specialists in the sphere of HIV prevention among injection drug users is planned to take place. Three trainings of the first series have been already carried out, two of them – in Irkutsk and one - in Bratsk.


05.07.2010 In the Republic of Tadzhikistan a disaster happened on the night of May 7, 2010

In the Republic of Tadzhikistan a disaster happened on the night of May 7, 2010 causing a tremendous damage to the communities of Kulyab city, Muminabad rayon, Vose, and Shurobad Khaltonsk Oblast. Torrential floods smashed 19 schools, 12 hospitals, 80 bridges, 531 kilometers of highways, 122 kilometers of channels, 109 kilometers of electric power transmission lines, and about 20 thousand hectares of arable land. The communities became victims of the disaster, as they lost overnight what they had possessed.


01.07.2010 Our main objective is to prevent the spread of the HIV epidemic among people!

To prevent the spread of HIV infection among people is the issue that is addressed on all levels in different countries. Only mutual efforts have been considered to yield good results. A few specialists from the USA have recently come to Irkutsk and had a round table meeting to discuss this issue.


30.06.2010 Experience exchange meeting held in hotel Mayak

On June 2010, in Listvyanka settlement, the conference hotel Mayak (The Lighthouse), there was an experience exchange meeting among the partners of the “Strengthening National Capacity for Government and Non-Government Organizations That Provide Full Package of Services to Women Involved in Sex Business” Project, which is financed by UNFPA


22.06.2010 Photographers of all countries are invited at the competition of photos devoted to tuberculosis prevention and treatment

Photographers of all countries are invited at the competition of photos devoted to tuberculosis prevention and treatment.
Deadline for application: 30 June.


22.06.2010 On 29-30 June, 2010 representatives of the American Red Cross and Charitable Trust Fund of Ann Ray will visit Irkutsk

On 29-30 June, 2010 representatives of the American Red Cross and Charitable Trust Fund of Ann Ray (Minneapolis, USA) will visit Irkutsk. During 7 years they have been financial donors of one of the largest program of Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross “Expanded care and support for people affected by HIV infection”.


21.06.2010 Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Center of preventive case-management “Kompas” and United Nations Population Fund conduct a meeting of sharing experience between partners of the project “Strengthe

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Center of preventive case-management “Kompas” and United Nations Population Fund conduct a meeting of sharing experience between partners of the project “Strengthening national potential of governmental and non-governmental organizations by providing women at high risk of HIV infection with complex services”

The event will take place on 25 June, from 10 a.m. – 18 p.m. at address: v. Listvanka, hotel “Mayak”.
The planned event is the first meeting in our country of sharing experience as between regions, involved in realization of the project as well as between representatives of other regions, experienced in realization of projects among people involved in sex-business. Governmental organizations as well as non-governmental organizations are involved in the project’s realization. Active support for local Administrations is provided in all regions.


18.06.2010 New Humanitarian “Patient’s School” Program initiated by Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross has been launched

Irkutsk Branch of the Russian Red Cross (I/RRC) has been running a new program aimed at HIV-infection prevention in Irkutsk City since June 1, 2010.
I/RRC “Patient’s School” is considered to be the key element of the program, which should be run constantly in Irkutsk City. Besides it also comprises a complex of interconnected events, such as group interactive sessions and individual consultation sessions, targeted at raising the effectiveness of HIV-infection treatment, preserving the quality of family lives of those people who are affected by HIV, and preventing further dissemination of HIV-infection.


15.06.2010 Events, devoted to World Donor’s Day, took place in Irkutsk Region on 14 – 15 June

Events, devoted to World Donor’s Day, took place in Irkutsk Region on 14 – 15 June. This year the holiday was celebrated under the motto “New blood for mankind”.


09.06.2010 World Blood Donor Day - 2010

WHO chose 14 June as the day to recognize the millions of people who save lives and improve the health of others by donating blood. The Day highlights the need to regularly give blood to prevent shortages in hospitals and clinics, particularly in developing countries where quantities are very limited. Out of the 80 countries with low blood donation rates (fewer than 10 donations per thousand people), 79 are developing nations.


08.06.2010 Irkutsk Oblast branch of the Russian Red Cross participates in the nationwide event “Dry bottom” and is the assembly place of diapers

Irkutsk Oblast branch of the Russian Red Cross participates in the nationwide event “Dry bottom” and is the assembly place of diapers.


02.06.2010 Please pay your attention!

Please pay your attention!


01.06.2010 Children and HIV - a new on-line conference

Anna I. Zagainova, technical support director on the Russian Red Cross HIV/AIDS programs, epidemiologist, will answer questions of visitors.


01.06.2010 Children's Day

A holiday event, devoted to Children’s Day was organized for the children, visiting the Early Development School “Rainbow Flower”. The event took place at the Children Entertainment Center “Chuki-Chuki”. 23 children with their parents and guardians participated in the event.


27.05.2010 May 31 - World No Tobacco Day!

May 31 - World No Tobacco Day! On May 31 the event, devoted to World No Tobacco Day, will take place near the stadium “Trud”.


24.05.2010 M.V. Akulova answered questions from visitors of the site in the column “Expert”

M.V. Akulova answered questions from visitors of the site in the column “Expert”. You can find them at


17.05.2010 Urgent emergency help!

The boy Zambalaev Nikita, 6 months, had neurosurgical operation. Now he needs another one. It is necessary more than 100 thousand rubles to treat Nikita. Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross appeals for urgent assistance in the form of cash donations.


16.05.2010 On May 16, International AIDS Memorial Day, the students of different educational institutions of the city went to Uritskogo street with the slogan “Know to live!” and had an event of social indifference

On May 16, International AIDS Memorial Day, the students of different educational institutions of the city went to Uritskogo street with the slogan “Know to live!” and had an event of social indifference.


13.05.2010 Every third Sunday of May around the world, the people who suffered and died from the AIDS epidemic, are remembered

Every third Sunday of May around the world, the people who suffered and died from the AIDS epidemic, are remembered.
The purpose of this event is to attract world attention to the problems of the people, affected by HIV/AIDS epidemic. Another one is to attract attention of the authorities to equip clinics and to render assistance to the people who suffered from this disease.


13.05.2010 On May12 - 13, 2010 a working meeting on the issue of the development strategy of the Russian Red Cross voluntary movement took place in Moscow

On May12 - 13, 2010 a working meeting on the issue of the development strategy of the Russian Red Cross voluntary movement took place in Moscow.
The result of this event was the project “Strategy of voluntary movement’s development”.


07.05.2010 Happy Victory Day!

Happy Victory Day!


29.04.2010 Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ Worldwide Day is celebrated on May 8

Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ Day was founded in honor of Swiss humanist Henry Dunant who was born this day in 1828 year. In the middle of XIX century Dunant organized first volunteers’ groups to help wounded soldiers on the battlefield. In 1864 in Geneva the Diplomatic Conference was called which was the base for International Red Cross Movement. This Movement tasks are rendering assistance to all people suffered in military conflicts: wounded, ill, prisoners of war as well as to natural disaster’s victims.


26.04.2010 On April 22-23 the first Regional Forum of volunteers took place

On April 22-23 the first Regional Forum of volunteers took place, where Irkutsk Region Branch of the Russian Red Cross took part. The total number of Forum participants was 111 non-commercial organizations.


12.04.2010 The compilation of questions for on-line conference "HIV prevention" was begun on the forum of the Russian Information Agency "Sibirskie novosti"

The compilation of questions for on-line conference "HIV prevention" was begun on the forum of the Russian Information Agency "Sibirskie novosti"


09.04.2010 Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross published a new booklet

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross published a new booklet "HIV prevention in adults". The booklet offers the information about HIV, HIV-infection and AIDS, why HIV-infection is a typical behavioral disease in adults and how to protect oneself of it.


09.04.2010 Marina V. Akulova, Chairperson of Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross answered the questions of irkutsk site visitors in the column "Expert"

Marina V. Akulova, Chairperson of Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross answered the questions of irkutsk site visitors in the column "Expert".


08.04.2010 RRC/Irkutsk needs your help!

Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross will be glad to donation as women and children wear, wear for newborn babies, diapers, baby care preparation (baby talc, pampers etc.)


07.04.2010 World Health Day is celebrated on April 7

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7. This year at the initiative of World Health Organization this day motto will be “Urbanization and health”.


06.04.2010 Irkutsk Oblast Branch of Russian Red Cross organizes an out event for children-orphans

Irkutsk Oblast Branch of Russian Red Cross organizes an out event for children-orphans


29.03.2010 Conversion of R.Lukutsova Russian Red Cross Chairperson

Conversion of R.Lukutsova Russian Red Cross Chairperson


26.03.2010 Round table “International Humanitarian Law basics and history of Red Cross activity”

Event’s aim: to inform educators of possibility to include in educational program on faculty base the lessons on the subject of “International Humanitarian Law basics and history of Red Cross activity”.


25.03.2010 Promotion campaign

On March, 24 activists of Municipal Students Council under Irkutsk Administration and Irkutsk Oblast Branch of Russian Red Cross conducted a promotion campaign on a central town street.


24.03.2010 Worldwide Day against TB is celebrated on March, 24

Worldwide Day against TB is celebrated on March, 24. This year its motto is “Tuberculosis – search of new ways to solve the problem”.


19.03.2010 New informational materials

Worldwide day against TB is celebrated on March 24
As a result, Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast Branch published new informational materials, which are the booklet and the news-sheet “Tuberculosis”.


16.03.2010 March 23-26 – exposition “Knowledge. Profession. Career”.

Traditionally Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast Branch participates in such expositions, representing charitable programs in the field of health security which are realized in Irkutsk region.


16.03.2010 Worldwide day against TB is celebrated by the decision of World Health Organization (WHO) in the day when German microbiologic Robert Koh announced his discovery of TB agent

Worldwide day against TB is celebrated by the decision of World Health Organization (WHO) in the day when German microbiologic Robert Koh announced his discovery of TB agent.


03.03.2010 The last week of February a range of monitoring visits took place

The last week of February a range of monitoring visits took place


01.03.2010 Irkutsk Branch of Russian Red Cross prepares to publish the new booklet “HIV prevention between adults”.

Irkutsk Branch of Russian Red Cross prepares to publish the new booklet “HIV prevention between adults”.


27.02.2010 Our new website is working

Our new website is working


12.02.2010 Love is brave when it is safe

On February 12, the event “Love is brave when it is safe” took place in three universities of Irkutsk (Irkutsk State Linguistic University, Irkutsk State University, Baikal National University of Economics and Law).


04.02.2010 The round table meeting “Clear town. Drugs, alcoholism and tobacco smoking prevention” took place on February 4, 2010

The round table meeting “Clear town. Drugs, alcoholism and tobacco smoking prevention” took place on February 4, 2010. About 50 people assisted on it, including: mass media, noncommercial social organizations and rehabilitation centers’ representatives, deputies of Irkutsk Region Legislative Assembly and others.


01.02.2010 Today (February 1) is a significant date for Irkutsk Branch of Red Cross!

Today (February 1) is a significant date for Irkutsk Branch of Red Cross!
Exactly 7 years back in 2003, the program “Expanded care for people living with HIV/AIDS started.


11.01.2010 Informational trainings

At present there is a trend in the epidemiological situation in our region which cannot ensure a person from sorrowful consequences of widely spread infectious diseases like HIV-infection, hepatitis, tuberculosis. The risk of the public being exposed to the infection is more visisble, including due to lack of reliable information.


18.12.2009 RRC Appeal

Dear colleagues, friends,

On Saturday night, December 5, in the town of Perm a horrible tragedy occurred, which by the severity of its aftermath shocked the minds of all countrymen.


15.12.2009 Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast Branch gained a diploma for first place in nomination “Best polygraphic annual work of prevention of vertical HIV transmission”

Russian Red Cross Irkutsk Oblast Branch gained a diploma for first place in nomination “Best polygraphic annual work of prevention of vertical HIV transmission”.


10.12.2009 Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross today received from the United Nations Children`s Fund special methodological book-kits on forming and maintaining adherence to treatment in children.

Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross today received from the United Nations Children`s Fund special methodological book-kits on forming and maintaining adherence to treatment in children.


07.12.2009 It's time to live!

The first time talk-show “Time to live!” went on the air on December 1, 2004 on the First channel. At that time the show got a large resonance in society. In mass media a hundred of publications and reviews appears


01.12.2009 On December 1 the International Day against AIDS is celebrated

On December 1 the International Day against AIDS is celebrated. For the first time the date was celebrated in 1998 when the appeal of tolerance and expansion of HIV/AIDS information exchange was sounded on the meeting of Public Health ministers of all countries.


19.11.2009 The event to support the International Smoking free Day took place in Irkutsk in the pharmacy ¹ 1. Volunteers met clients and passer byes at the pharmacy entry and offered to change a cigarette to a candy or to a cookie.

The event to support the International Smoking free Day took place in Irkutsk in the pharmacy ¹ 1. Volunteers met clients and passer byes at the pharmacy entry and offered to change a cigarette to a candy or to a cookie.


12.11.2009 Irkutsk Oblast Branch of The Red Cross presented its information materials on Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference – 2009.

The Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference (EECAAC) is the leading regional forum on public health and HIV/AIDS. The conference has traditionally been held in Moscow, under the leadership of the Russian Government, and with support from UNAIDS, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (The Global Fund) and the International AIDS Society as international co-chairs of the conference organizing committee.


12.11.2009 Members of intercommision working group of reluctance to HIV/AIDS epidemy in Irkutsk region and the Public Chamber of Irkutsk region took part in 3rd Conference of ECAAC 2009 which took pace in Moscow from October 28-31, 2009.

Members of intercommision working group of reluctance to HIV/AIDS epidemy in Irkutsk region and the Public Chamber of Irkutsk region took part in 3rd Conference of ECAAC 2009 which took pace in Moscow from October 28-31, 2009.


02.11.2009 “A new flu. How to protect oneself: information about the flu”.

“A new flu. How to protect oneself: information about the flu”.


27.10.2009 Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Red Cross and Department of Surveillance for Consumer rights protection and human well-being in Irkutsk Oblast are publishing pamphlet “New influenza? How to protect oneself: information about flue A H1/N1”

New strain of the influenza is A H1/N1 is rapidly spreading and cases of it have already been registered in Irkutsk City. This is an entirely new virus – specific variety of group A (so called strain or subtype H1/N1), which has never been detected in human beings. And it is due to this fact that there is no immunity towards this strain among people. Because of it specialists of the RRC/Irkutsk and the Department of Surveillance for Consumer rights protection and human well-being are publishing pamphlet “New influenza? How to protect oneself: information about flue A H1/N1”.


12.10.2009 French delegation visits the RCC/Irkutsk

French delegation is going to come to Eastern Siberia and visit the RCC/Irkutsk. French guests will visit Information-Counseling Center “Steps”, Family Health Center “Rainbow Flower” and Information Room at city hospital ¹ 8, also they want to get acquainted with specialists working in Harm Reduction sphere and visit one of the rehabilitation centers.


17.08.2009 PLWHA program has its own forum

PLWHA program continues and enlarges its activities! Now you can ask any question and learn about program through the forum.
Forum is being tested now, but soon it will operate full out!


Basic information; stigma as a factor for hiding one’s HIV-status; perspectives of giving birth to a child; results of the survey; HIV-positive...

December 1 - World AIDS Day

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