Helena 28.01.2009
Hello! I’m interested in Program “Developing programs providing psycho-social help and support for HIV-positive children, esp. orphans”; I’d like to transfer funds. Administrator answer:
We appreciate your interest in this area! You can transfer your funds for sure with the sign who you wanted to help to. |
Nina Yakovlevna 05.02.2009
Hello! There is a free day and I wanted to ask about volunteer programs. Where can I get such information? Administrator answer:
Red Cross uses volunteer’s help during informational campaigns and actions such as organizing training programs for youth, holding holidays for children etc. You’d better send your summary application with motivation letter by fax 200-393 or by e-mail hivirk@mail.ru and Red Cross specialists would contact you. |
Anton 06.02.2009
Hello, I’m a disabled person of group II, living and earning money in Uzbekistan, but unfortunately, my wife and I are internally displaced persons. I wanted to ask if there any opportunities for my family to get rehabilitation and place to live at with the help of Red Cross? Administrator answer:
You can ask for detailed information in the consultancy centre of The Red Cross in St.-Petersburg. There is a link http://www.spbredcross.org/programs/consulting/ |
Helena 15.12.2009
I’d like to learn about Red Cross Charter. Administrator answer:
You can learn it through the Red Cross Library in the Organization Development division. |
Visitor 29.03.2010
Hello! Tell me please - could everybody call in aid to you?or one needs to take lines, undergo tests.. Thanks in advance. P.S. Your site is very useful. It is easy but functional. Administrator answer:
Hello! Thank you! |
N. 29.03.2010
Hello! Is there Red Cross in Angarsk? Administrator answer:
Hello! |
woojin 21.04.2010
Hello, in what situations one needs to be tested on HIV? Administrator answer:
Hello! |
Alexander 21.04.2010
Tell me please, have you any information of no usual viral infections’ contamination, including HIV in Irkutsk? For example, at hairdresser, in pool etc. Should I be more vigilant? Administrator answer:
Thank you for your question! During all epidemic history there were not cases of contamination at hairdresser, at manicurist, in pool, at WC. Don’t worry! But you have to be vigilant always.
Andrew 21.05.2010
Tell me, please, can I get AIDS or infect a girl, if I was done vasectomy? Thank you. Administrator answer:
Hello, Andrew! |
Dayanara 18.07.2011
Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas! Administrator answer:
Thank you so much! |