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F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

Methodological Recommendations on Decontamination of used injection equipment and other potentially infected wastes at the centers for HIV-prevention among vulnerable groups

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Date received: 2008-06-07

Language: Русский

Code: 240

Year published: 2007

Author: A. Melnikova and others

Organization: Open Health Institute

Carrier: Printed

These methodological recommendations are developed for centers of HIV prevention among vulnerable groups at which collection of used sterile equipment (syringes, blood transfusion systems etc), its decontamination, temporary storage, provision of primary medical and counseling assistance is carried out for injection drug users.

This leaflet is developed for parents of HIV-positive children. And for each of them the issue of need to talk to their children about HIV and HIV...

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